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Found 4 results

  1. So, I was thinking, what if, you can make more or less of your body cybernatics? So, replacing your other arm with robotic arms for example. Some key modules: -Advanced Brain: makes skill training quicker -Caloric converter: turns food into energy useable by implants -Energy converter: turns energy into calories -Backup Life Support: backup systems to replace failing organs from combat(or something) to prevent dying long enough to get to safety Biology route -Needs organic food -not as much endurance -more fragile Cybernetics route -Needs expansive repair materials and energy cells -Drugs Performance-enhancers doesn't work as well -Needs skills to implant/use Please be respectful and post your suggestions here!
  2. So, I was thinking, what if, you can make more or less of your body cybernatics? So, replacing your other arm with robotic arms for example. Some key modules: -Advanced Brain: makes skill training quicker -Caloric converter: turns food into energy useable by implants -Energy converter: turns energy into calories -Backup Life Support: backup systems to replace failing organs from combat(or something) to prevent dying long enough to get to safety Biology route -Needs organic food -not as much endurance -more fragile Cybernetics route -Needs expansive repair materials and energy cells -Drugs Performance-enhancers doesn't work as well -Needs skills to implant/use Please be respectful and post your suggestions here!
  3. So i was thinking, in many science fiction books/games/films there are always many bio-technological implants or gadgets that after one injection or augmentation are then permanent part of your body, like Infra-red camera directly to your eye so then you can see in darkness or muscle strengthening to make you jump higher etc. I thought it would be great to have at least some possibilities to do things like that in DU
  4. So i was thinking, in many science fiction books/games/films there are always many bio-technological implants or gadgets that after one injection or augmentation are then permanent part of your body, like Infra-red camera directly to your eye so then you can see in darkness or muscle strengthening to make you jump higher etc. I thought it would be great to have at least some possibilities to do things like that in DU
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