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Hey, so I was wondering, what if I get out of my ship, and go take a walk? Can someone just come, jump in my ship, and take off? It would be pretty annoying but it would also be cool to be able to hijack a ship if say, you sneak into an enemy base and need to escape(or something equaly cool). So I play GMod RP servers, and one thing they do is have the ability to lock your car. If you forget to lock your car, then anyone can take it(which is rare because everyone locks their car). I had an idea for DU, since there's so many people that may be able to jump into your ship the split second you get out, why not have a button that allows you to lock your ship while inside it, so it would already be locked the second you step outside. To make the feature balanced so that people might not want to lock their ship is that it would take 5-10 seconds more to get back inside your ship if it's locked. So if you have a fleet of ships that you may need to launch a counter attack at a moment's notice, those 5-10 seconds will really matter, and therefore, you may decide to not lock your ship because you have defences all around the base, it's not like anyone outside of the organisation could take it anyways. But, if you decide to attack the base, and your ship goes down, how will you get out? Well, there's a fleet of ships in the next room. So you run there, hijack an enemy ship, and escape. It would just add so many possibilities for war, while not changing much for the more peaceful side of the game, like life in an urban area, as no one would leave their vehicle unlocked. That's just my opinion on adding a small feature to the game, that could have a big effect. What do you guys think? Edit: I don't think some of you guys got what the point of this thread is, and maybe that's my fault for not being specific. So here I'm going to be more specific about what I want. So I do actually want hijacking to be a thing in this game. I just don't want it to be as easy as jumping into a cockpit and flying away. And like I've said before mrjackobean came up with a system that I think is very nice. mrjacobean, on 20 Oct 2016 - 09:33 AM, said: So while I do want hijacking in the game, I want it to be somewhat difficult and require a bit of a high skill in hacking. I don't want it to be impossible or semi-impossible to hijack a ship. And obviously hacking would take time. So you wouldn't go into a city and go hijack a ship, because people would see you and probably call someone or hit you(I'm thinking that if you get hit while hacking, even if it does 0 damage, you'll have to completely restart the process. But yea, I didn't want there to be any passwords, motion sensors, or anything that you can't see yourself cracking within a couple minutes. CaptainTwerkmotor, on 20 Oct 2016 - 09:55 AM, said: On the other hand, I do want it to be somewhat difficult to a beginner player. And even take time to do for an elite player. I want it to be balanced between being able to hijack, and not being able to hijack/being able to stop a hijack. Can you see yourself guessing the password to even 1 door? No, and also, it would get really annoying to get in and out of your ship. Entering 3 passwords every time. Astrophil, on 20 Oct 2016 - 8:19 PM, said: Also by the way, I was talking about cockpits in this thread but I think we should address doors that would be on a ship. I think it would have the same properties as a cockpit. You hack it. It jams open. Then this creates a reason to use turrets and other defences. Basically, I want hijacking to be accessible, but not easy.