Hello and greetings I’m Firestorm and a am a part of the Dark Star Imperium, a relatively new DU org that was formed by over eight large orgs who consist of friends and enemies alike from a game called “Space Engineers”. We have been contemplating a switch to DU for over a year now and decided now was a good time to start laying the ground work for our org. So far in just four days we made it to org page four and are steadily climbing. We are focused on PvP but we are a well rounded org that intends to be not only PvP but also self sufficient in all sectors. Alliances are being made, treaties, trade deals are being brokered and people are enrolling for Citizenship with the Imperium. We look forward to doing business with you all and maybe, just maybe we will see YOU! In Dual Universe
Vice Head of the Dark Star Imperium