Dads of DU will be an offspring from the Dads of Destiny Europe Clan for the game of Destiny.
I have been leading that clan on PS4 since beta of Destiny 1 and we are still going strong!
The same camaraderie, friendly atmosphere, beer-and-pretzel jokes and cooperation to achieve something larger than the sum of its parts will be the foundation of this Organisation within Dual Universe.
It's a place where the dads can find likeminded people. Where your brothers know what its like to have to interrupt your gaming session yet again because you need to change a diaper.
Its a place where we dads can become Galactic brothers in arms and build something great within a virtual world of endless possibilities and do it with those who know what it is to have sleepless nights for weeks on end.
We don't enforce strict rules of activity. Those rules are already in place in real life. We come here to blow off steam and join a place of make belief and immersion.
So once that moment finally comes when you are excused for a while and don't have to be 'daddy', you will know your Dads of DU will be eager to join you on yet another great adventure!
Rally here, Dads of Dual Universe!