NOTE: This thread is not negative. This is just for the sharing of info I just learned. Please take your complaints or rants elsewhere, thanks!
In "Terms and Conditions", recently changed.
The Video Game is jointly provided to You by NOVAQUARK and XSOLLA acting as licensee of NOVAQUARK.
Also, these terms now apply:
And this privacy policy:
Is this a bad thing? Not really. Xsolla used to be a partner of Steam, and managed their transactions. They don't anymore, but they still manage Twitch. Seems that Dual Universe was invested into by the subsidiary known as Xsolla Capital. Xsolla has done this with other games in the past. NOVAQUARK still is the main license holder, and XSOLLA is a licensee, so NOVAQUARK still owns the product. Just thought this would be an interesting thing to talk about! Thanks guys!