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Found 3 results

  1. My idea is to add drones. But not drones that do what automatically but that a player can control a drone or even a small drone swarm. to start max. 2 drones to max. 10 drones that you can explore in the talent tree. you should then explore a drone main unit. the drones you control in a special seat and can then see the drone in the first or third person perspective. you should also be able to switch between the drones with 0 - 9 on the keyboard. The drone you control is automatically the main drone and the other drones should follow it and for example when you attack the target also attack. The size of the main unit should go from XS to maximum S. What would be a nice extra would be if you can form on formations by hotkey or so :D. (I was inspired by an episode of Star Trek Discovery where the outer hull of the enemy ships is made of drones). Something you could then also do, for example, and then several members can control several small drone swarms. Repair ships, build buildings faster, and Minnig could also be added. drone main unit start max. 2 drones to max. 10 drones switch between the drones with 0 - 9 on the keyboard The size of the main unit should go from XS to maximum S special seat to control drones form on formations by hotkey Repair ships, build buildings faster, and Minnig
  2. So if i correctly understood what has been said about 3rd person is that there won't be any... But what about being creative? For example, I am flying on a big ship, having some complex maniuver to coordinate between my ship mates, I need to juge the space I have left between a wall/ other ship qnd my ship... It would help if we could have 3rd person, not from a gameplay pov but more from a technical one, what I mean by that is that we could have a drone operator ON the big ship wich could control a small, really tiny and reactive drone with a camera strapped on it, and the video feed could be transfered to a screen onboard... the question is: will we be able to control a ship remotely? I mean I don't see an obstacle in scripting exept transmitting instruction from a ship to another one and more importantly transmitting data... i don't know how practical it would be but it seems feasible and usefull for those who miss 3rd person on ships
  3. According to the promotional videos, there will be a limit to the range within which you can run LUA scripts. So that for example if you want to build automated mechanisms, somebody has to stand next to them or they won't work. I'd like to see the possibility to connect two blocks so that if someone is standing next to the other one, their processing power can be used to run the other one regardless (or perhaps regarding, based on item level) the distance. There is a lot of talk about drones, which would very much depend on this. However, I don't know if drones planned by people were short or long ranged ones. The cases which I'm most worried about would be guided missiles or a larger ship drones which would immediately leave any kind of local processing range when deployed due to the larger scale of things in space.
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