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Hello Noveans! We’re thrilled to introduce our newest, most innovative feature yet: Boxels! For years, we’ve marveled at the boundless creative expression of our community using our voxel tech, from the reactor days of voxelmancy, to the VPT and beyond. Our players have built epic worlds, intricate machines, warships, factories, and flying insectoids. But, alas, even as we’ve enjoyed the countless masterpieces crafted, we couldn’t help but notice that something was wrong. Our voxel technology, while enabling creative freedom, was paradoxically restricting the true artistic potential of our players. With a near-infinite number of possibilities, it was simply too daunting for players to express themselves properly. The number of choices was overwhelming, leaving players adrift in indecision while building in-game. That’s why we decided to think outside the voxel and give you: BOXELS! We're upgrading our voxel building technology to Boxels, a set cubic shape for enhanced building in Dual Universe. Here’s what our producer, NQ-Deckard has to say on Boxels: “With DU's existing voxel systems, you have the freedom of moving any vertex of a voxel on a 3-dimensional 253-point grid; we do this in such a way to store a single 3D coordinate into 3 bytes of variable data. But with our new Boxel technology, we've gone the extra mile to achieve higher levels of cubeness. As the Boxels are always just cubes, and nothing more than cubes, we decided to go above and beyond traditional precision for the never-changing corners of each Boxel by dedicating 4, 64bit, double precision floats to every single corner of every single Boxel. (The fourth one allows us to proudly say we are now the first 4D game!) If you suffer the effects of high gas prices, don't worry, we've got you covered. Instead of using gas to heat your house, with Boxels, your CPU and Memory will now provide most of the heating your home requires.” Boxels are your inner artist’s ticket to liberation from the oppressive chains of choice. No longer will you need to worry about crafting the perfect shape because our team of geometricians has created it for you! You’re guaranteed (but not actually guaranteed) to find the Boxel to meet your building needs. With Boxels, you can confidently build knowing that our extensive (but not extensive) shapes library will ensure you’ll never feel overwhelmed by choice again! We can’t wait to see your Boxel-based masterpieces in Helios. Stay tuned for more updates on our groundbreaking and innovative Boxel technology. Remember: When it comes to creative freedom, sometimes more is less! Happy Boxel-ing, Noveans. Yours Cubically, The Novaquark Team