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  1. What do you all think about keeping your character and things safe while you are offline? How should that work? Should it even be a thing? How do you balance that with the goal of having emergent game play in a single persistent universe? I haven't seen NQ say a whole lot about this. We've got the Ark Ship Safe Zone for sure. Possibly additional Ark Ship Safe Zones as the game expands. They've said they're considering some kind of Auto Defense mechanism and large Ark Ship like shields - but not indestructible that can be built (for a high cost) -- That's all I've seen from NQ about this.... It seems if you went hard core emergent game play in a persistent universe -- then there would be no disappearing and no invulnerability when you log off. But then you would have to either stay in the Ark zone have massive auto defenses or massive shields or a massive alliance that is always online. This would seem to limit small orgs and individuals to staying in the Ark Zone. And limiting smaller groups like this seems to limit the potential of emergent game play. Is there a way to solve this? I agree there should be risk to being outside the safe zone - even for always online alliances with shields and auto defenses. It should be risky -- but it should be doable too. On the flip side I also think it would be bad to have safe zones all over the place. Bad to have invulnerability while offline. Bad to be able to run away by logging off. And bad to have super OP automatic defenses while offline. How do you go about making offline auto defenses effective without being OP? My idea for a possible solution to this would be a way to effectively hide - not in a way that you cannot be found. Just in a way that is really hard to find you. Another idea would be an automatic call for help when you are offline that goes out to everyone online (or in range) whether they are your friends or not. A third idea would be an automatic retreat mechanism that allows you to set waypoint(s) for your character to retreat to if possible if attacked. Any other ideas? What are your thoughts?
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