Hello everybody, I'd like to know how the art and the artists are managed in the game (if it is planned already). Could a player develop art habilities (painting, sculpture, music, ornaments, etc), making Blueprints of their artworks and then selling (or exchanging) them to providers, stores, individuals, etc? Could these artworks be admired on exhibitions, museums, festivals, competitions (in Alioth) and be awarded? Could (for instance) exist a music billboard and radiostations, showing the preferences of the public in Alioth, about the songs that music players record for the game? Well, some ideas shown here. I think that if someone is an artist in his "first life", why not being it also in Alioth, and get a profit for it (ingame money)? Greetings. PS: sorry if there is some writing fault. English is not my mother language (although I love it).