I tried to use my maneuver engines as torque ones, so in build mode i enabled torque for all of them. Then i tried to set them force with command unit.setEngineCommand(taglist, acceleration, angularAcceleration, keepForceCollinearity, keepTorqueCollinearity, priority1SubTags, priority2SubTags, priority3SubTags, toleranceRatioToStopCommand) but it does not work. In the discord, i found some recommendation about setting tag 'torque', but it didnt help either. So i linked engine direct to controlunit, and setting force with command setThrust(power), still dint work . In all cases engine just pushed construct, no torque effect =(
I tried to find some info about that, and it was only
By NQ-Nyzaltar
in this post.
So what i am doing wrong? Why simple enabling torque didnt work for me?