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They have said at the very bottom of the kick starter and in the newsletter that CvC is a stretch goal to be done after hitting 500K, but they have never specified how much the stretch goal is. I want to know. And now they've hit 500k, its the next big thing to ask. Anyone have any solid numbers?
The Mothership is a gaming community originating in the Homeworld Universe (Homeworld, Homeworld 2, Deserts of Kharak). We currently support Company of Heroes (1&2), WarThunder, Elite: Dangerous and a selection of other titles. As you can see we play a lot of sci-fi, flight and strategy games. That is basically what this game is about and I am very excited for its release. We are supported on Teamspeak3, and host our own website via Clansweb. In the game world we will try to establish our organization in a star-system and probably first focus on building our own mothership. So the focus is on building our first large cap ship. You can find us on our website or join our teamspeak: Website Organization