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Found 4 results

  1. Dear organisation leader, dear citizen, dear friends, I would like to invite you to join our confederation "PROCON" - The Protector Conglomerate, PROCON stands for a peaceful alliance amongst organisations of this world. Our goal is to build up a protected area far away from the starting zone to share knowledge, trade, live together, have fun and make history. We are an ambitious group of executives who have a concept and resources to put this goal into operation as soon as possible. Our goal for the near future is building up a platform, where leader of organisations can create their organisation and invite their member. There you can chat, communicate in privacy and exchange each other. You will have the option to get in contact with other alliance members of other PROCON-organisations. We already have a Teamspeak-Server you can join. Please send me a private message for the address. I am looking forward to talk to you! The requirements for joining our confederation are currently an active alliance with at least 5 member. If you don't belong to any alliance yet, feel free to join FREEDOM, as it is the community for those who want to be part of PROCON and focus on the fun Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or would like to help building up our confederation. I am looking forward to hear from you and to see this amazing project come alive. Apply today! Cheers! Villspor Links: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/procon https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/freedom https://discord.gg/GH6Ccqr
  2. C.A.T.S, a community of organizations joining together to explore, build and learn among the stars. Good day Dual Universe community, it is my honour to officially announce the results of the First Election in the Founders Chamber by consensus of the Confederation of Allied Territorial Sovereignties Coordinator. CATS is an association, community or society of sovereign and neutral organizations of all kind in Dual Universe. We friendly work and share together to ensure that organizations within CATS can accomplish their goals within Dual Universe, working together in projects pushing the scope of what is possible within Dual Universe. According to the Confederation Charter of CATS (CCC), the Founders Chamber elected new Coordinator by consensus. The Founders Chamber is meant to assure that the CCC is applied and the organization is accomplishing its original purposes. The Coordinator function is to preside, coordinate, oversee and take care of the meetings, processes and dynamics of the organization, according to the CCC. It was an exciting election, and in the end there was a 100% turn up resulting in a new Coordinator. Hereby it is my honour to inform you that the 2019 Coordinator Election was won by Aaron Cain, who will fulfill this position till the next term. Additional communication and a speech will follow closely. C.A.T.S CONFEDERATION OF ALLIED TERRITORIAL SOVEREIGNTIES Working Together for the Benefit of All
  3. [FR] PRÉFACE --------------------- Confédération de commerçant se plaçant en neutralité parfaite sur l'échiquier diplomatique de l'univers Dual. Trust us, because we trust you. Serveur vocal Site communautaire La DELTA Confederation est une organisation à but de commerce, nous sommes des bâtisseurs, pour une bonne partie des passionnés d'architecture, attirés par la folie des grandeurs et du design building. Notre objectif n'est autre que de créer un climat propice aux échanges et interactions entre joueurs et/ou organisations, tout en regroupant diverses organisations confédérées en notre cloud. Nous sommes des pacifistes, notre organisation n'entrera jamais en guerre de son initiative. Nos services, vont de la conception technique, au stock de ressource pour des organisations nomades dans des ambassades en leurs noms sur notre territoire, tout en passant par la vente de ressources primaires ou secondaires. L'objectif de la DELTA Confederation est de pérenniser un climat neutre et convivial entre tout les acteurs de l'économie de Quanta City. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal [EN] PREAMBLE --------------------- Merchant confederation placing itself in perfect neutrality on the diplomatic spectrum of the Dual universe. Trust us, because we trust you. Vocal server Organization board The DELTA Confederation is an organization for commercial purposes, we are builders, for a good part of architecture enthusiasts, attracted by the madness of grandeur and design building. Our goal is to create a climate conducive to exchanges and interactions between players and / or organizations, while bringing together various confederate organizations in our cloud. We are pacifists, our organization will never go to war on its own initiative. Our services range from technical design, to resource stocks for nomadic organizations in embassies to their names in our territory, while passing on the sale of primary or secondary resources. The goal of the DELTA Confederation is to maintain a neutral and friendly atmosphere among all players in the economy of Quanta City. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Organization board Vocal server
  4. Bonjour, je ne me suis pas encore présenté sur cette rubrique du forum, donc c'est mon tour . Joueur de Dual Universe depuis une bonne année, passionné par le projet de NQ, initiateur du WikiDual Universe FR, ainsi que du Quanta News avec l'aide de MendrakMaster, avec la détermination de créer une superbe civilisation marchande gravitant dans ce nouvel univers, nous nous sommes associés avec FREEJ1 & WillyGmod ainsi que d'autres membres historiques (Cronael,DIVAZ,Norz,KILOPalo5,...) afin de donner vie à la DELTA Confederation. Cette dernière est une organisation de commerçant bâtisseurs, totalement neutre sur l'échiquier politique de l'univers. Notre objectif premier est l'ouverture de Quanta City, une ville avec une ligne architecturale parfaitement corporate, défiant toute imagination, permettant le transit de ressource et d'échange entre joueur de tous horizons, grâce à nos futurs marchés privés. Nous effectuons donc autant de l'achat que de la vente de biens et services. Pour tous renseignement ou contact : https://discord.gg/DeYDeR Quanta News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf1oMIn-Ksc&t=82s ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I have not yet presented on this topic of the forum, so it's my turn. Player of Dual Universe since a good year, passionate about the project of NQ, initiator of WikiDual Universe FR, as well as Quanta News, with the determination to create a superb commercial civilization gravitating into this new universe, we partnered with FREEJ1 & WillyGmod and other historic members (Cronael, DIVAZ, Norz, KILOPalo5, ...) to bring DELTA Confederation to life. The latter is an organization of shopkeeper builders, completely neutral on the political chessboard of the universe. Our primary goal is the opening of Quanta City, a city with a perfectly corporate architectural line, challenging imagination, allowing the transit of resources and exchange between players of all horizons, thanks to our future private markets. So we do as much buying as selling goods and services. For any information or contact: https://discord.gg/DeYDeR Quanta News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf1oMIn-Ksc&t=82s ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal
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