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Everything posted by Xanderxavier

  1. discordauth:wQzXrmF7fW1uoiJ0fgI516EUvKOVJ6WUjPi-YHUwGSQ=

  2. It's not so matter of CR not wanting to make it with thousands of people its simply the way he's making it such a thing would be impossible with current technology, your likely to get around 150 maybe stretching to 250 per instance eventually basically Planetside 2 is the sorta peak of what you could expect, however instances will be sorta dynamic, and cover a solar system, the greater the no of people you put on screen the less fidelity you can get out of them, Star Citizen has true fps like handling, in order to track everyone with that level of fidelity you just cant fit in to many real players. If you ever played games like Darkfall that and that only had rpg mechanics with a small amount of fps in magic and archery, it turned into a lag fest when more than a couple of hundred people showed up with slide show frame-rates when it reached thousands, and eve which at its heart is a powerful visualisation layered on top of a complex spreadsheet, still only achieves large battles using "time dilation" as in deliberate lag to give the servers the time to actually process everything, which wouldn't work to well in a game with first person, put simply no game as of yet has managed to pull of large scale battles without unacceptable levels of lag, even much simply top down rpg types still basically have a couple of hundred on screen limit. There is a possibilty that Camelot unchained which has an engine built from scratch for this purpose may be able to get to thousands on screen, but it does this by setting the graphical fidelity for each character to something similar to what a game 20 years ago could pull off, its basically using the power or moore's law to make a game of yesteryear run with allot of peeps on screen, perhaps in another 20 years such a thing might be possible with SC level graphics also due to said law... but people aint gonna want a 26 year dev cycle They will do the best they can to make performance capable servers and stretch the pop without killing perf in final game, its the best anyone can hope for, for now.
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