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Posts posted by MichaelBay

  1. Since it has been confirmed that we will be able to build, let's call them "Megastructures", like Deathstars or possibly even howl moons, will it be a thing for man made vessels to have a gravitational pull.

    Meaning that if some group or coalition actually managed it to construct a space station with ~160km width I don't see a reason why it shouldn't attract small objects.

    Would it be to much load for the Servers to calculate the gravitational effects of every Ship, Station, etc?



    [My idea of realising that : The implementation of ((6,672*10⁻¹¹m³)/kg*s²)*m*M) / r²  would already give you the gravitational force in N, after that the only thing left to do is to calculate the maximum distance at wich the Ship/Station can affect other Ships/Staions, look what ships are in that sphere of influence and run the formula between them.]


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