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Darius Sanguna

Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Darius Sanguna

  1. No I understand the complexity of it all, I am saying that with 500 more years of science, you could have different ways of dealing with that that do not involve growing food, and cooking.  the Star Trek way, of food replicators, or the Matrix way of having it all feed through IVs, since the nano tech is attached to our arm, it could feed us directly.


    As far as the ISS Wandering Mountain goes, for all we know, when traveling at FTL to a destination, we will be in cryosleep again.  Think about it we were already in it for 10,000 years, to find the FIRST habitual planet. They have said it will take a lot of energy and time to get to another unexplored system, that has Cryosleep all over it.


    Also you missed the point of the reference to the Lore.  He cant move yet, and could barely open his eyes, but the AI tells him. “With accelerated rehydration, you will recover your ideal weight in one week.  Does that sound like he was getting nutrients through IV or eating steaks and potatoes?  Looks more like the Matrix way of feeding to me.


    I honestly think if they are going to force players to eat and drink, then they should make us deal with waste and hygiene too.  So with that I vote, eating should be an optional function in the game, with possible buffs, but not a requirement.

    Yes there is probably some tech like that, but lets take a look at the techs you mentioned:

    Star Trek: Energy to Matter conversion, is possible but not for player at gamestart. This would probably more like an endgame tech simply because you will need huge amounts of energy and without a Matter/Antimatter reactor probably not feasible. Maybe on the Arkship is such a system.

    Intra venous injetion: totally possible, but not so easy as you might think. You will need a way to digste before the IV and you will need something to process. Its basically the same as growing and cooking, just that your aren't cooking but rather industrially processing the raw food. Also i wouldn't be certain that IV can keep you going, because of the strong dilution of the nutriants to don't block the blood flow and i'm also not certain that the processed/digested nutriant would survive a careless handling and after all this we have also possible long-term consequences for a IV diet, such as a devolving of the digestive system for example. (we all know your body, it isn't needed? okay it can get away! muscles, nerves, skin, fat...wait what? nope fat can't get away, fat is always needed -.- )


    Sooo ISS Wandering Mountain yes it will be a long journey for them, but would you want as player to be stuck in a cryopod till you have reached something intresting?

    And it is also as what the ship is intended, if you have a long range A to B transportship, yes cryosleep, go with it and come back in a year or so, if it has reached the target destination. But as i have understood it, the ISS is intended as a mobile home base that will probably travel the most time at sub-light and as such you can't deep-freeze all the passengers. Yes in FTL you could use cryosleep but that would be pretty boring.


    I don't missed the point of the reference to the Lore. He cant move yet, and could barely open his eyes, but the AI tells him. “With accelerated rehydration, you will recover your ideal weight in one week."  To me thats sounds like that the body will get water, what is needed after dry-freezing the body, and nothing else. Yes there would probably be some kind of nutriants in this water, but nothing that could sustain a healthy human being.


    Waste and hygiene, intresting. As regards the waste, fertilizer or stinky space debris :D. And hygiene you would probably once a day hop under the shower and i think that could add some intresting social interactions :P


    A possibility for the optionality of food could be a choice in the character creation, if you want the immersive way or the standard MMO way of things. I think that would be great for both factions, if its possible.

  2. Goverment employeed means you are a employee of the faction and as such you get a salary and you have in some cases access to the resources of the faction, but your work will belong to the faction. As Freelancer your work belongs to you and the only way for you to get money is to sell this work. In both cases you will pay taxes

  3. The only thing i can do momentarly is, to make an excel-table with names of people which want to join and remain in touch with these, because by now there are simply no mechanics for factions. But no worrys i will make an excel-table, let me just finish the description first, so that you are perfectly aware in what you get involved.

    To give you guys a taste of what i mean, if i ordering a soldier i want to hear "yes, sir, yes, its a pleasure for me to jump of this building" and nothing else. Such things must be in the description before someone blindly volunteered. And don't worry this was an example thats only apply to the military branch ^^


    but for now you could say me as what you want to join, as simple Citizen or something else?


    Edit1: and please excuse that its taking so long but its a tedious job and the translation on the fly while i creating the description isn't it making better


    Edit2: and than the ideas that come to me while i write "oh that could i make too" and "that would be really cool to include" take for example the gameplay section this wasn't planned, i included it while i was working on the description.

  4. With the advanced tech we will have, from the lore, shouldent our nanocannon just suck up the basic "food" components and store it in our pavk. To the later create a supplement?

    Why grow food on an agro ship when you can store the building blocks to it, and then have Star Trek style food and drink dispensers on your ships. Think about it...

    If your matchbox sized kpack on your belt can store tons of stone, how much could a shipping container sized one hold for food?


    I think you are all staying in your boxes, and failing to think outside of them and what scientific marvel could make simple things we deal with today go away forever


    And i think you don't take in account the complexity of food on a molecular level, one little error in the reproduction of your meal and your are dead, because something has turned toxic. Just take a simple lettuce leaf, alone this consists of dozens of different chemical compounds, now imagine a whole meal, with all the different ingridients and spices, this are hundreds or even thousands of chemical compounds and all of this must be exactly reproduced, to be edible and non-dangerous for the consumer. Of course if you want something easy to reproduce, here you have a grey, tasteless and chewy bar thats just enough to keep you alive and going ;).

    Yes i agree that the most basic forms of nutrition (proteins, carbs, fat) should be storeable in kpacks, but that shouldn't eliminiate the need for fresh food and agriculture on ships in general. Yes on short range ships this isn't necessary, but take something like the "ISS Wandering Mountain" they will need a food production on board, because no matter how big and how much the containers can store, they're limited. Besides that, the plants produce not only food, but also oxygen. Why should you build a big ass and complicated construction to fill your atmosphere with oxygen, if you can simply grow plants that do the same and produce food?


    from the Dev Blog


    This to me says we will have advanced ways of taking care of our biological needs, so no need to eat and drink.

    I imagine it as was it says it is, a freeze-dried body in a "russian" freezer, without any biological activity. So the arkship passengers were basically all dead during the travel to Alioth. If that were not so, they would probably have died 9,000 years ago to old age.

  5. sorry for the german text, but i'm tired and get slowly angry. To the german speaking community members feel free to translate.


    Ich unterstütze das Spiel und es ist mir vollkommen egal ob die models einfach nur reinkopiert, in Voxel gerendert oder nach dem Design gebaut worden sind.

    Ich vertrete lediglich die ansicht das die Leute sich darüber aufregen das die Schiffe theoretisch einfach rein kopiert sein könnten, entschuldigung bitte das ich das mit meinen englisch kenntnissen nicht deutlich machen konnte.


    so now i'm going to sleep, this whole discussion had worn me out, good night!

  6. I hype the game because the tech and the idea are promising and ambitious. And as long as i haven't paid for the game, i see no point in ending the hype because of one trailer which isn't 100% true. and i personally see the need for such trailer, because would NQ show us a 100% true trailer it would probably like looking out the window.


    Und jetzt troll dich endlich du Troll. -_-

  7. Hehe, I was thinking about how this game will take up a large portion of my life if it lives up to the hype, and had a funny thought... What if in the context of the lore, every time we log off the game, we are really entering into a VR experience of the good old days back when Earth was not destroyed. And these push notifications are warnings for us to get back to reality because some serious things are happening in the 'real world'. Woah...


    For me it will probably come true xD

    And i hope should such an app be released that it will be WP compatible. (pray to the devs)

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