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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by CrilTek

  1. oublié pas les amis que vous etes en beta donc y a pleins de choses a regler loptimisation sa arrive apres en general en developpement enfin sa depend apres de leur roadmap aussi en se moment gros soucis sur dual je pense quils vont devoir encore fermer les serveurs pour regler les soucis actuels car sa devient injouable
  2. bonjour tu fait clique droit sur un coffre que tu veux avoir en lien et tu choisi l’option qui doit etre definir le coffre lié un truc du genre je sais pas le faire en francais moi jai le jeu en anglais je trouve sa plus simple pour trouver qq chose dans les usines les noms sont moins longs etc ....
  3. bonjour a tous et a toutes je me présente je suis CrilTek le fondateur de Tek Corporation. nous recherchons des personnes disponibles et matures pour les différents projets de notre corporation sur le long terme. nous avons pleins de postes diverses et variés a pourvoir pour couvrir les différents aspects du jeu. Venez discuter avec nous sur notre discord pour plus informations sur la corporation , nos attentes ou tous simplement passer un bon moment vocal. voici le discord de la corporation https://discord.gg/uYHhbhu a bientôt sur dual universe.
  4. hey geo for Tek Corporation can you create for me a neon logo or a svg animated logo or the both with this picture please i like your work thx for your time and that always a pleasure to use your creation in game
  5. oh geo you are marvelous i like you so much all of them are very cool thx a lot
  6. hey geo for Venum Corporation can you create a new neon logo with this picture please i like your work but i wish to change my logo by the new one what you will create with that oh and change the color by big letters in bleu and the small letters in green thx thx for your time and your work
  7. hello everybody i had just modifiate the message of my corporation with our new goal
  8. hey geo for Venum Corporation can you modifiate our emblem for got same effect on the name as the emblem and remove the fog around the name and write under Military Services with neon effect but with red color and slight shift on the right please thx for all your work for us
  9. salut a toi nmare418 Sache que Venum Corporation a une place de chef des Projets dans notre section recherches & développements hésite pas a nous contactez par le forum ou sur notre discord pour avoir des explications https://discord.gg/jWzYRHf amicalement Voltek Président de Venum Corporation
  10. hey geo thx a ot for your work you are very good on that pleasure to cya in game
  11. hey geo last request for you about this logo can you make me a png just with the symbol without venum corp under please thx a lot i am very fan of your work
  12. hey geo wahoo for the last video i like so much this new audio and the logo is more smoother and less electric than the old one thx so much for your work can you make me a small size gif of the last video because i like this render so much thx a lot for your help and your work
  13. hello geo i had make my self a new logo with a better shape inside can you do your job on it that would be nice of you and i am sure that will be more nice than the first
  14. hello geo for the logo in png i can add to my discord corporation but the gif is too big can you reduce the Mo please
  15. hello Geo good job i am very happy in game do you know the process for show the logo on the screen with programming board ?
  16. hi Geo no sorry and i am not good for drawing on the computer that was i had require your help you can edit the logo with your inspiration for doing an other this one is not specially important i know you will do your best i see your work you do all times the very nice logo
  17. bonjour peregrin merci de ton message jai fait le necessaire hello peregrin thx for the message i do the modifiate on my post
  18. Mon nom est Voltek je suis de France je suis le fondateur et le général de Venum corporation nous serons une corporation militaire qui vendra ses services . nous recherchons des joueurs francophone disponible et sympathique pour créer une bonne ambiance et tous s'amuser ensemble hésitez pas à me contacter sur discord voici l'adresse https://discord.gg/jWzYRHf contactez VoLTeK en jeu avec la commande dans le tchat /join Venum My name is Voltek I am from France I am the founder and general of Venum corporation we will be a military corporation that will sell its services. we are looking for French players available and friendly to create a good atmosphere and have fun together Feel free to contact me on the discord at this address https://discord.gg/jWzYRHf you can contact me in tchat game with /join Venum
  19. hello if you can edit a logo animated gif would be very appreciate and nice of you
  20. thx for this very good news i am impatient to become supporter of this futur good game and participate to it thx for all your answer
  21. hi everybody i got a very bad lucky when i discovery this futur awesome game the crowdfounding was finish so i search any way for become founder supporter for the closed beta i suppose i am not alone in this case if someone of the novaquark team can answer me that will be very nice thx for the reading
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