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Sabre Woof

Alpha Tester
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  1. Developers/Marketers/Etc. of Dual Universe: I know you all have more than an abundance of ideas but I thought I'd toss one in the pot too.....maybe this will help to generate even more fun and funds ($$) for the game. So poking around some other games I discovered a game called Dead Matter and really liked some of their kickstarter-backer ideas that I thought could make for a cool creative spin within the Dual Universe galaxy. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dead-matter#/ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/qisoftware/dead-matter 1) I saw on these where you could pay $10 and submit your pet photo and it would appear somewhere on their map. As a pet lover (and majority of other households too in modern society) that this is a fun way to support a game and shed a small personal touch of your pet for all to see. I imagine placement could be on any npc based station in Dual Universe....even the bathrooms. =) 2) Also noticed a "name a highway" for a certain dollar amount as well and thought DUal Universe could get creative again by allowing perhaps npc stations, planets, and/or systems to be named by a donor too. So of course this opened a fun door of creative potential where the sky is not a limit to donor/crowdfunding ideas. Be creative and take chances on your crowdfunding ideas! You might be surprised on what nontypical offer that could generate tens of thousands of dollars (or euros). =) Hopefully my idea makes it somewhere in the office of Novaquark. Thank you for all that you do! I still can not wait to play the game when it is ready for official launch. I've been telling every player on Eve Online that I know about the game. Best,
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