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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by -=DWM=-

  1. You're probably the unlucky ones. I don't know if they had neighbors but they are also probably busy with searching for stones. They can in one hour or two clean up a whole tile. Also, the best time to look for ores is the evening, and just turn your own light off too. Then you can find even the one or two that are still around.  But the best way is go to tile where you suspect that has not many visitors, and that is traveling to 🤷‍♂️far north or south.  Maybe the speed of the server could also play a role in not showing up. Good luck. Sometimes I just run around in my neighborhood  until I spot a field, and often I need to travel far. I'm happy that somebody told me that I can compress a small ship to put it in my inventory, otherwise It would have been a pain for me 😆

  2. About surface Resource Harvesting: So far I'm aware,  they respawn, how much or time, I cannot tell, but they do respawn and only on free land. And I can still find places to find enough to earn 500.000 quantas a day.  About the rest well, I would be happy to turn real money into game money. Less time to spent my time for looking resources. 🤷‍♂️

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