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Posts posted by Quebra_bilhas

  1. i asked the same question some time ago. And the answers was that it wouldnt make no sense to have crew members shooting. But im glad that my topic was read by someone and, in my opinion, it will make the multi-crew more fun and interactive.


    Ship cannons/weapons

    03 June 2016 - 05:53 PM

    I haven't, yet, read all topics, but I have one question about big size ships.

    Will they have automatic fire target or it will be crew shooting?

    in my opinion its more fun to have crew shooting instead of IA fire, but if there is no crew how can a big size ship fire?

    Only use counter-measures, use engines to get away????

    I search for a game were I can be part of something and not play "alone". And this game take my attention because of that.

  2. Hello again !!


    The universe is a harsh place, we all know that and we already spoke about that there would be a large number of planets.

    And no one will look like the other.

    We also know that we will be able to build on the planets. Maybe just an outpost or an City or a big trade planet who knows.


    But the human race is a weak race. We Need a respirable atmosphere, water, Food, not too hot not too cold etc.

    To come to the Point we Need earth like planets.


    So would we be able to build on planets with a harsh Environment ?

    Whats about terrarforming ?


    Terraforming would be very good for players who start "today", but remember that other players can join the game in a few years. And what would they see?

    Lots and lots of planets Earth around the galaxy,  

  3. i know that its different in the aspect of servers and load time.

    Like i said before, I havent read all the topics, but i will get there.

    im not shy, when i said "alone" its in aspect of you dont do anything as one. Like the crew in one big size ship.

    instances, raids, dailys ,  did all in teams but not as one, if i make my point.

    I didnt knew this game, because of another game I was following, you have ear about it Star Citizen.

    I read all about the game and make me think that a game like this one, DU, would be impossible to get out.

    Thats why my tag "hope to be alive when the game gets out"

  4. Hello all.

    My name is Miguel and I´m from Portugal

    I play many years Voyage Century, but the "alone" games is not what I want.

    So I search for a game like Ev*, but with craft, planets, and the most important cooperative.

    That is the most important fact that i want to play this game.

    I want to help create a base/ship, help defend/shooting others land and on ship, help getting( I think its gathering) resources, and so on.

    In my opinion this game will have lots of players from other type of games, because it gather all in one place.  


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