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Posts posted by dylanp1234

  1. I think you should try to think of machines not like in the transformers video but like pistons and other things like that in minecraft.


    You wont be able to do very complicated things like that but if we had pistons (like minecraft) we could build some automatic big ramps/backdoors opening and closing.

  2. Thank you guys for welcoming me!


    @MasteredRed asked some question that I am going to answer now:


    "Are you a full-stack developer?"


    - No, I am doing an apprenticeship as a programmer/webdev in a German financial institute. Therefore I am not doing everything by myself - we are building our programs on top of existing infrastructure.

    (I do still like the idea of building everything by oneself from the ground up, even if that's not the complete meaning of a full-stack dev.)


    "What languages you use for web-design?"


    - I am a frontend and backend programmer. I am 'programming' the frontend in HTML, CSS, JS + JQuery. And I use the following languages for backend-programming: PL/SQL by Oracle because we use the Oracle DB. Some years ago (when I learned programming) I used MySQL and PHP to teach myself programming and databases.

    On top of that, I know a fair amout of the Java language as I have been trying to build small 3D-Games written in Java using OpenGL (LWJGL).


    Thanks again for your questions and I hope we'll meet ingame!


  3. Hello guys,


    since I bought the 135€ gold early-alpha access, I just wanted to say "hi" to everyone!


    I am a programmer (webdesigner/webdeveloper) that really looks forward to playing this game (even though it's in pre-alpha). The fact that you can program things in this game really makes me eager to put a lot of time into this game since I like automate things and build some cool stuff via scripting into Dual Universe. On top of that I would like to join an organization that wants to put me into charge for programming their desired objects. Even though I want to program a lot, I still think it's cool to just fly around in a little ship.


    So if there is any kind of organization that doesn't have a clue or the willing to program and is really in need of somebody like me then just let me know and I may want to join your crew! :)


    See you in the game soon, I'm so excited!

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