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Posts posted by Kaladin

  1. Well well... Wasn't it problematic that Trump had talked badshit crazy about women? It sure sounds like you think it's alright. He had the same excuse as you do: it was guy talk, friends. Not meant to be heard by others. Well it did.

    As a leader you have a responsibility to act responsibly always.

  2. You are admitted to have that opinion, but they didn't really agree? My other picture showed how they aren't listening to Neo at all? And Astro complained about all the different viewpoints..

    Not to mention his outrage... see a leader in the real world have such an outrage... he will not stay leader for long, as it shows he can't handle things under pressure.

    Now I think tho that the leaders can change (they have two years) and it's better to prepare them now rather than later

  3. Actually, it's all of you who blew it out of poportion. You could have ended it by saying:

    I see what you mean. Hey Astrophil and Neopolitan, you should stop being so personally involved in the CSYN matters, it makes you do wrong decisions!

    And They would answer:

    We see what you mean, alright we'lll try to be more professional from now on!



  4. Actually, it's all of you who blew it out of poportion. You could have ended it by saying:

    I see what you mean. Hey Astrophil and Neopolitan, you should stop being so personally involved in the CSYN matters, it makes you do wrong decisions!

    And They would answer:

    We see what you mean, alright we'lll try to be more professional from now on!



  5. I'm not blowing anything out of poportion. I simply shared what i thought was necessary to share. I know so much more than what I have published, things that doesn't make sense to publish, because they are natural conflicts at this stage.


    But now let me just warn you then. If the leaders of CSYN can't act professionally in a small matter as this, then they can't act professionally come launch.


    How can't you see that it is important to know. If people think their leaders have it under control and they don't they need to know.

    Come launch I won't be saying: I told you so, but you'll know I'll be thinking it

  6. That's the risk one must take. There'll always be things that are ruined. Some lose their jobs, others lose family or friends, and others lose something else. Such is the way of life....
    I don't see how you can deny, that the things I published weren't necessary to publish. People deserve the right to know...

  7. The point is. People also want to know what is really going on. I am not some kind of evil person. I hear something and I see something else. I see myself as a journalist who wants to shed light and stuff. Take a look at this for an example.



    As far as I am told, this is Neo voicing his complaints. The problem is why aren't we told that they can't agree or that they disagree. that's something people should know. I am not a bad guy here Outlandish.... My method is different yes, but I also want them to change for the better. Comon CSYN, be more open, be more honest, otherwise no one can trust you or your decisions....

  8. Cringemania
    One lovely title, I know. 
    I'd like to say that cringing a little bid is alright, but when it becomes so important that you will do anything to uphold some stupid matter.... sigh I am frustrated.
    Yes yes you want me to say wtf is going on.. alright.
    When you are talking about cringe you can't really not mention Cinderfall Syndicate. Man those guys... I was in ODY as a matter of fact, they were not too bad, but holy the moly fuck some are.
    I am just here to share what I know, so the truth about them is public. They say loudly that they wish peace and save space and all that etc etc... I just don't believe them, well they might mean it but comon on, they just can't. They are unprofessional, they take matters too personal, and therfore they have absolutely no chance whatsoever to create anything worthwhile. You just can't become personally involved in matters, because that makes you incapable of judging correctly. My accusation is towards the directors of CSYN, Neopolitan and Astrophil.
    Why do I say this? you probably need some proof. Let me give it to you. I've gotten two points with these next photos... They are from the #administrative channel on the Cinderfall Alliance Discord server. My source is obviously anonymous duhh..


    *Post edited. Reason: Screenshots including offensive words*




    Now these photos clearly enlighten some disturbing things. As far as I can tell it shows a deep conflict between Neopolitan and Astrophil, which already is troubling. Now Astrophil gives his all to shout out his frustration about a certain matter? Now this matter, excuse me if I am laughing while I write this... but this matter seems to be about people calling Cinderfall an alliance, when it apparently isn't??? Alright, serious face on...
    I can't even describe how troubling this is! These are supposed to keep order in the universe but they are fighting and yelling about this matter? I can never trust that kind of behaviour, and my point here is no one should. Go your own ways, this path is not worth it, clearly.
    Was that what you were looking for Outlandish?

    Also, speaking like that, probably means losing that so-called playerbase you are mentioning....

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