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Posts posted by milkmkhjgjg

  1. 7 hours ago, RugesV said:

    PVP does not make for good streaming because your not always guaranteed an engagement. Then you spend the time getting into position and half your viewers have fallen asleep.  With PVE they will be able to go and say here and this time we are going to do some pew pew pew.  So it should be leaps and bounds better. 

    even with the inability to actually to do pvp , pvp will still most likely be more complex , thus more fun than pve . Bots are dumb , they do the same repetitive loop over and over again , this gets boring very quickly and becomes another grind after the your 10th hour .  This is true for even the most complex bots , this is why when making a game that need to last years ,player competing with other players is they only reasonable way to maintain gamers interest . There are not enough unpredictable events or variable in a instance to keep pve fresh or interesting , this unpredictability is even more true in the pvp zone , because players can interact with you in more ways .  

    Ironically the pvp players will be the ones whom do most of the pve mission , not because they like it , but just a convenient way to test new builds .

  2. 23 hours ago, Lord_Trip said:

    No originally it wasn't marketed as a PVP game. It was marketed as a community Builder with PVP aspects. It wasn't until these loser Griefers caught the ear of NQ and started pressuring them to make a solely PVP game. The game used to be a lot of fun but ever since they took all the aspects that made the game great out and replace them with nothing but PVP the game is dead due to their hand. It was the Community Builders that was sold a bad bill of goods not the pvps NQ is one of the most dishonest lying sax a crap I have ever come across. They do sneaky and underhanded stuff and then have the audacity to call foul feel sorry for me where the poor devs when the community doesn't like what they're doing. If you enjoy the PVP I wish you the best I do not it's the worst feature of the game and it will never get any better. I'm sorry I sound so bitter but I played the game for a very long time and I've seen the good times and now the only thing that's left of the bad ones. The best thing that can happen to this game is NQ goes out of business and sells the rights to a developer that knows what they're doing with game development and Community Building

    There were equal amounts of updates for pvp and pve (i am assuming you mean civilization building), but most of them were "improvement" of the current tool and systems . You think that pvper's don't want NPC , and survival elements , everyone would loves these features, except for carebears , because it adds danger to the game . But NQ seems to not be capable of adding the simplest of mechanisms to the game , so you have to taper your expectations , so i suggest simple things like greatly reducing the number of asteroids in the safe zones , since it is player against player , no NPCs are needed . The pets that they added is just cosmetic , and there is no profit to be made , why didn't they turn them into mobs , it is not because they don't want to, it is because they can't . 

    Just like planetary mining , pvp was arguably nerfed , avatar boarding ships was removed , instead of adding avatar vs avatar combat , they just add impenetrable barriers , that indefinitely stays on . I expect NQ to do that , because they don't have the numbers(devs) to pull off AvA combat or anything that would significantly change the way pvp and pve is played. When a company aiming for realism can't add simple mechanisms like fall damage to their game , that should let you know what they are actually capable of achieving. 


  3. 2 hours ago, Dakanmer said:

    You've got some serious delusions about non-PVP players that you think "check the problem from all angles" doesn't also apply to you. There are SOME who do as you say, making throw-away ships to slip in, mine a node and leave for massive profit; my friends have toyed with the idea, even, because of how you people force us to think about it just to get resources we need to build the stuff you think we've all got in spades. There are far more of us who CANNOT AFFORD TO DO PVP, and CANNOT GET ENOUGH PEOPLE TOGETHER TO DO IT. This isn't a full-time job, where everyone in an org is expected to always be online at the same time because they all live in the same time zone range. Scheduling time to go mining even inside the safe zone is rough for many orgs. If we're lucky, the people I hang with have only a few on at any given time because of work and time zones, and I know we're not the only ones.


    For us, our mining ships aren't built the way they are "because we're lazy and don't want to defend ourselves," but because we CAN'T defend ourselves; we don't have the people, and without one of our guys running tons of missions with alts to get money fast (which shouldn't even be a thing, but neither should many other things that are), we wouldn't have the money AND ore resources to build even basic defenses...and if we did, PVPers would just do what PVPers do and work slightly harder for easy money.


    See, for YOU, there's a reward to PVP. For EVERYONE ELSE, there is only risk, with no reward. You are out there (be honest with yourself, and us) hunting down ships that you then loot and fix, and try to sell back to the original owners. My feelings about that kind of behavior aside, you get all of the reward for almost zero risk. And yes, you people DO focus on ships that can't defend themselves. I don't know how many times I've been told that you guys tend to ignore ships that have guns. It's not about PVP, but easy loot. YOU may believe that it isn't, but it always was, with people wanting actual PVP fights with the actual threat of losing being the minority.


    And that brings us to PVP for everyone else. There is no reward, only risk, which is why you don't see orgs dedicated to pirate hunting, doing escort missions, etc. There is no reward worth the massive amount of time wasted on the majority of the trip, or the resources spent on the ships to do it. We're not searching people to kill and loot to make up for the costs. We're not swimming in resources as you originally claimed, either. Many of your ships are just as throw-away as ours, just as minimally geared as ours, which is also why you lot tend to avoid fighting solo ships that run armed (maybe YOU don't, but a trend is a trend, so don't deny that "put a gun on your ship, even if there's no ammo" is legit advice to avoid PVP). For many of us, that's all we can really afford to lose if we want the game to be at all enjoyable. Because we do other things than PVP, and those other things cost.


    And then there's the flight time. You've flown PVP space. You know how long trips can be between planets. You may not know that many of us miner-types don't go to asteroids to mine them for a few minutes before leaving to avoid you, but prefer to spend time eating the asteroids so we can use the ore to build better ships (you're geared towards PVP, so you focus on getting that. We're not, because we've got so many other things to do than just PVP). Do you SERIOUSLY think that REAL PEOPLE with REAL LIVES want to spend several hours watching their radar while twiddling their thumbs when they could be doing something more interesting? (For mining runs in PVP space, there's always got to be someone on the ship ready to flee because of what you're complaining about losing. Do you really think there are infinite numbers of us with nothing better to do?) "Just warp, then" isn't an option anymore because of the schematics time/costs...and because we don't have access to nearly the quantity of the necessary resources you seem to believe we've all got.


    And how much do you think that kind of escort service is worth, that non-PVP players can easily afford it? Just how much do you think we ACTUALLY make from just existing? Again, without mission runners, the economy would be much weaker simply because the costs for making schematics, paying territory taxes, buying ore/parts, etc etc etc, is so high, and only the super-orgs would have any resources to speak of. Nearly ALL of the risk and cost is on the side of the non-PVPers. It's not because we're lazy or coddled. It's because there is ZERO REWARD for PVP for most of us; only risk. For you, it's almost all reward with very little risk, unless you have a rival org or are a loner...but as a loner in PVP, you still have far less risk than non-PVPers, and far more reward, and even with rivals, you still get your jollies by ganking us and funding your own efforts...meanwhile, those of us who aren't the minority you describe have to use throw-away ships just so we don't lose a month of progress.


    You complain an awful lot about how PVPers are being wronged, meanwhile showing you have no understanding of what non-PVPers deal with. This game is a huge open world/solar system, where spending 2-8 hours of mindless travel isn't unheard-of, where not everyone is part of a super-org that can afford good ships that they can have spare personnel to defend at all times, where resources have to be split between multiple outlets (if you're a big org, you have many demands for spending that aren't PVP), and where the threat of losing a ship to PVP can be equivalent to a week or even a month of game time lost for people who can't play as a full-time job.


    There's obviously a lot of work that needs to be put into the game to make its PVP better, but you seem to be laboring under the delusion that this is unique to DU. It isn't. This is a genre-wide problem, because you PVPers MAKE IT ONE. It's a problem in literally every MMO with piracy that I've ever played or heard of. When there is no real reward for fighting pirates (how do you think an economy like that would function? Have you ever actually thought about it beyond "well, people would pay taxes..."? Have you thought about WHO would do it beyond "well, PVPers would do it for money..."? I doubt you have), but plenty from being one, people stop wanting to bother with PVP...except for those whose entire purpose for playing is piracy. And again, be honest and admit that that's the vast majority of all PVP encounters. Not legit PVP, but as someone else said, PVE with extra steps. And then PVP becomes what it is in DU, just as in other games: a pirate's paradise, with almost no opposition besides other pirates, and when other opposition does show up, an enemy to rally the rest of the pirates to wipe out and discourage others from trying.


    Rather than whining about how unfair it is for gankers who can't have easy marks with easy strategies for ganking, complain about the PVP system being massively unbalanced so that easy ganking is even a thing (yes, you probably believe that it's strategy-intensive, which is why you insult the rest of us as being dumb and not using our heads to avoid you), that there is no incentive for non-gankers to bother with PVP, that the system itself is garbage for various reasons (like line of sight not being necessary to shoot stuff), etc etc etc. Complain about the system that makes PVP so unbalanced in YOUR favor (the safe zones give us all a place to not deal with the craptastic system which, without the safe zones, would STILL favor you, because we're not pirates who drool over more piracy), not the people who don't have any interest in being target practice and breakable piggybanks for gankers.

    I don't know if you realized , but you are actually agreeing with him on many of your points . There is no reward to pvp , because you can just get all the resources in the safe zone with zero risk . There is very little to gain from pirating , and it take ages to find someone to pvp , because the players are all in the safe zone . 

    why pvp with other pvper's (for eg to defend a asteroid ) when you can get the same resource with zero risk in the safe zone. Why use your best ship , when the reward for the risk of losing your ship is so small , in comparison to the safe zone. The people who pvp don't pvp because there is something to gain , they pvp for fun , because they are bored of the game. To summarize you don't have to take risk to gain rewards in DU.

     Casual players wouldn't have a lot of resources , but most of the player base isn't casual , and even though it is just 2 month and a few days they are already stacked . The point still holds , because in a few months even casual players will be stacked with resources , because no evens take place that can destroy those resources , and by those events I mean pvp . I want people to understand that the safe zone is like a bank where everything of value is stored , and that bank is indestructible , and your money and assets never depreciate or degrade , because by design it can only stack . 

  4. On 12/6/2022 at 6:35 PM, Cobqlt said:

    I totally disagree and I principally kills players on pipes those day (no time for roaming for nothing due to my job)

    The DU unofficial killboard talk by itself, or internal killboards are clear, roids kills are mainly throwaway ship. Adding more tool for dodge PVP players or protect more miners will just help them to continue this.

    On a MMO, I prefer push the players for regroup or pay some mercenary or any other way than just allow a free farm for everyone and annhilate the utility of trying to defend your stuff.

    I agree with you on pretty much everything except , the tactical maps making it easier of miner's to escape . because the main problem with pvp , is finding someone to pvp , the space is simply too large for our radars to find players in a reasonable time frame (this is assuming that the tactical maps are much larger than radar distance). The miners most times are gonna be heavier than the pvp ship , so detection means defeat unless the safe zone is close enough .  Basically ,the tactical map is more of an advantage for pvpers than it is for miners , because pvpers are faster and more agile . this can even be a greater advantage for pvpers if they increase the range of weapons , the moment they are detected , is the moment the battle starts . 

    i also would have rather NQ reducing the amount of asteroids in the safe zone , in-fact i rather it be exclusive to pvp space .Like you said players just keep stacking resources , because there is no massive war happening or will happen , that orgs can sink all their resources into , basically zero survival elements , just reward , reward , reward , so everybody is a god , and it turns out being a god is boring . I don't think it is just the loud but little player base left that want a carebear game , but the developers want it too , NQsesch literally says he is a carebear , so the future of this game is not looking too good 

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