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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by netshaman

  1. Hi all, I have an idea about the neutral zones. As you know in most mmorpg neutral zones are fixed, as you said you want to innove in this game, so here is my idea. Instead of starting all players in the same neutral zone, how about make a "neutral zone pod", a device that deploys a sort of neutralization dome that prevents firearms working but only blades. This pod can be hacked and have a limited time use (depends on the charge of battery), hacking the pod needs a skill level or key or whatever you want to implement ingame, there are several models of pods that have different properties depending of the type of the device like radius of effect, decay of effect, type of effect, effective against weapons or vessels or scanners, single effective or multipurpose device etc. A player starts with a basic model of device and have a limited time before battery is depleted (search of mean of recharge is a priority), he can take it with him and go everywhere he wants and use it to protect himself from adversity within certain limits, but in some dangerous places like volcanic or high electromagnetic places it is inoperative,it can also be a one use only device that have only one charge.Some models can be included in a ship but its use depletes energy cells very quickly. That's all, feel free to comment, if you like or not this idea.

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