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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Lurkars

  1. Thanks. Here the links to the dev-blog posts: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2014/07/06/quantum-immortality/ https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2014/10/10/resurrection-node-mechanics/
  2. Hi to all, I'm Lurkars, my player approach is to build, craft and explore the universe by being a friendly, helpful and peaceful individual. So I founded the IPU, the Intergalactic Pacifist Union as an organisation for all players, who decline violence too. The IPU should be seen as a player mark/tag for other players to know, that they can expect help and do not to fear the player in any kind. It's kind of an experiment, how to succeed the game, where combat/violence is a usual aspect of gameplay without using this mechanics. So a big goal will be to create and locate safe zones to protect players from being harmed.
  3. In an MMO with PvP, the mechanic of dying or being beaten is an important aspect. I couldn't find any information about this. Do you loose your current inventory? Where do you restart? Are there save point to store resources and objects to be available after dying etc.? What happens if your space ship get's destroyed in space?
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