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Posts posted by Cythera

  1. 31 minutes ago, DrDerp said:

    I think this idea is the problem. The game is grindy, complicated and partly tedious. You want someone to grind 50hours and want an easy 10 hour grab. That doesn't seem balanced and will lead to the extinction of zebras. So it depends if the game aims to be hardcore PvP mainly that might be a way to go. Like legion did, every hc PvP can celebrate his victory (with the remaining few hundred on a vastly empty "metaverse", due to skills/time they will be like god's ruling the game, at the same time discouraging new players even pvpers) . Secondly the game just isn't fast paced enough to support casual players the way PvP is. Imagine how many players would play rust, if you needed a 2 week grind to drop a base and get basic gear but then be raided in a 5min raid overnight. So I think finding a proper middle ground (each group has to acknowledge and respect the other groups and their needs) might bring a balance and a longterm chance of survival for the game. If the community stays so split, with extreme interestgroups it will stay in limbo. Also I don't see how PvP would bring the broken economy to life

    Why making the live of an PVE Player harder? Why is a pvp player better than an pve player?

    Both want to play the game and have fun. The pvp player have all the fun and the pve player a the losers.

  2. Man sollte einfach ein System einführen das Sachen die mehr als 2 Monate nicht benutzt werden vom Spiel einfach als Luft behandelt werden und man durch fliegen kann. Gefühlt sind doch 90% der Türme e verlassen oder einfach nur aus Faulheit da. Einfach eine Station im All bauen wo man ankommt und einen Aufzug für runter. Fertig.


    Viel wichtiger fände ich aber einen Decay an den Märkten. Sowie jemand nicht mehr in Conti Range ist alle 10 Minuten 10% vom Schiff kaputt gehen lassen so das es nach 100 Minuten komplett weg ist.

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