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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Spungwa

  1. Hi All


    So my idea is not to get rid of the "bot" buy orders.  I think they are needed as the consumption in the economy is too low compared to supply.  So without "bots" price will drop to next to 0.


    But to help the economy to be moving and make production better and more worthwhile, compared to just selling ore, I suggest having new NPC goods packages that can created from intermediaries and other items that only ultimately use tier ore.  These good should not need schematics.


    This way more player "work" is required to sell to the bots beyond just hauling ore.  Would hopefully make secondary markets in the making of the intermediaries.  But at least it give producers a income facet, currently only mining and hauling can have a faucet.  Industry bares the burden of the main sink with schematics with no faucet to offset it.


    The principle should for NPC buying should be :-

    That it at its basic level, make as much player "work" needed as possible, for as many different playstyles as possible, before the the system will buy it.



    If you wanted this could be extended this in the future to work like trade packs did in Archage.  So it could be you have  multiple buy orders at different prices starting high and going to the whatever floor you want.  They refresh every X (+ some random amount) days., this could be adjusted with player base size etc as required.  So taking them to where less are sold would mean they are worth more.  Industrial players may make player hauling missions to spread their packs to different markets to sell at the best time.  Players may put buy orders in for them above the floor but below the high and wait and try to sell them.

    So creates content for the hauling and trader playstyle as well as the industry playstyle.

    Much more could be added later, and i'm sure people could think of ways to make this better and fun to expand on this.





  2. Hopefully a reasonably simply thing.


    Presumably the codex is stored in files used by the client.  Use those files to auto generate, so they are easy to keep in sync, a website equivalent.

    It would be nice to be able to read up on the game without having to be in the game.  Things to do while server on maintenance and while waiting in the queue.

    Also to be able able to read it on my second monitor even when in game.


    Put it behind authorisation on the website if you want people to have a subscription to read it.  Since NDA drop I don't think this would be needed though.





  3. I hear people saying it is a sandbox and you cant limit players from being/doing harassment/trolling/griefing.


    I disagree, for me in a sandbox you can do what you want with the mechanics given to you.

    So if you have mechanics that allow you stop these things it very possible.


    Off the top of my head, say you can build and deploy a construct that nullifies all combat in a given range then it is completely within the sandbox and emergent gameplay ethos to allow this  Obviously this needs balancing, so perhaps you need fuel or something for this. Player cities could build security constructs that make non PvP zones within their cities etc.


    It just has to be done by giving players tools that can manipulate the mechanics.




  4. Quality in materials is only really worthwhile if it leads to stat increase in the final item.  SWG did this, and until it had problems in beta so did the repopulation.


    If the higher quality just refine to more quantity of something why have the extra items, just pads your item database and makes it technically slower, just make the gathering or refining have a chance to produce a good result and give you more of the standard quality item.  Compression may be a reason as from what i have read, like eve, there is no magic transportation via banks etc.


    I personally really like the idea of quality of materials and way to refine lower quality materials into higher quality materials at a loss, but only if that quality has a bearing on the quality (stats) of the final item.  This allows people to compete on quality of an item and not just on price.  This does however create technical challenges as you have store item stats as well as the item and quantity that n the single sharded environment could lead to a huge amount of data.  So if you can create a better weapon element for construct or customise it by quality of materials.  IE better quality certain materials affect range, or damage, or ROF.




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