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Posts posted by Blacksunshine

  1. i cant figure it out when i hit my icon i get the dev log page with all the feeds then theres 3 lines on the bottom that let me change pages i have no log in botton or leave botton had to ctrl delete it to get off the page hmmm stuck

  2. ok so still not on i updated restarted. i only see the dev logs and the prvews for the update i dont see where to log in is it on the bottom some where and i need to min the screen or are the servers still not up

  3. oh cool take your time just waiting. was a little shocked that the update was today but I am excited to see it. idea you think some time in the future you could put up a in game like paper so i don't have to flip through discord to find or even broad cast a event for community like ship shows. or maybe a extra chat tab for server functions like shows. oh and the faster the server gets up the faster i get off this 

  4. I'm about 6 month in and still enjoying it. Yup no pvp, cool cause not in a rush to get my cool ships messed up or my base. graphic's not the best but played far worst, yup I play Minecraft, you can build cool stuff man. No missions and the market blows for selling products, but i am still here cause my home made tie fighter and imperial shuttle slash scanner is the coolest thing and when you or i get into a ship that you build and fly it and crash it and fix it and improve it and then it does what you want its the coolest yupper and all you grammer spell check people dis 1 4 u get a life


  5. We all ways need new players, Think the old player gave it a whirl and it didn't pan out for them. or the schems might of really hurt allot of players and they dont want to bother with re doing there indust that they put time into. the old players if they wanna come back cool but we don't need them it'll take a new player over a old player. A old player jumps on and knows everything and is pissed off cause now they know nothing, but still thinks that what they knew should be. A new player really doesn't know what to know. You know

  6. I love this game started a month prior to .23 update, when it happened I was a hater. It did take me a month to make my small container factory. I thought the Schematics added to the game was efffed up. Whole industry worth nothing and I just got it up maybe got 3 lg containers. Now i understand the point of the schematics and makes the game more of a challenge. On topic the graphics don't bother me at all. I joined the game because of the concept of being able to build and create a space civilization. Cool ship builds and buildings and functional element's. the amount of diversity in this game is amazing you can do allot. I personally have so many projects going on this one character, I am having a blast playing this game and of course the lags and glitches are a negative. Any improvement as far as I am concerned is a plus to a already cool game. So cool grass text and trees cool some thing is better then nothing. I just wish i could make more money with my product then just selling the ore. Bring back element damage penalty. so we can cell parts. there's a few element's that are pointless to even use or get. like the repair thing being one it does what. Cool with the up date. Remember build something cool, Oh food for thought a in game news paper instead of discord would be cool, and some events on the game people wanna show there stuff of people are proud of what they make. Ship shows product shows. Oh it be cool to if you had high pilot skills or what not and you make a product and place it on the market that those skills would transfer with the product. So some one with a higher skill could set a appropriate price.  Just ranting kids at school and I WANNA PLAY ty

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