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Posts posted by Frisskk

  1. lol...I'm new to this game and it was my first ship exept for the racer they give me at the beginning which work perfectly.

    I don't know what is the lua config and even less how to reapply it...and I'm not talking about changing the default config.

    Well, I imagine that the ship will do a beautiful monument ? 

  2. I just bought a new Dragonfly and I soon as I try it, the nose goes down and I can't move it anymore.

    All the usual keys (W,S.A.D.Q.E) make no difference. It just refuse to move.

    However, I have no difficulty to fly the Speeder or the Racer...

    Any idea on how to unstuck the ship or am I missing something?


  3. I just bought a new Dragonfly and I soon as I try it, the nose goes down and I can't move it anymore.

    All the usual keys (W,S.A.D.Q.E) make no difference. It just refuse to move.

    However, I have no difficulty to fly the Speeder or the Racer...

    Any idea on how to unstuck the ship or am I missing something?


    My Ship.jpg

  4. Étant débutant, je me demande si j'ai bien compris la carte du système solaire.

    Est-ce que Alioth, Madis et Thades, et leurs lunes, sont bien des zones safe ou il n'y a que Alioth?

    De plus, peut-on réclamer une parcelle de terrains sur chacun de ces mondes ou on a droit qu'a un seul endroit?

  5. Dans ce tutoriel Aphélia me demande de placer 2 ailerons sur mon hoover. Ca, ca va. Apres je dois lancer l auto-config par defaut et cliquer sur Construc Volant (Pilote). Le probleme est qu il n y a que auto-config-flying et quand sélectionné, j accepte mais il ne se passe rien et la tache est toujours active...Qu est-je manqué?

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