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Everything posted by murples

  1. Okay, next time I log in I'll ask for help. Just curious though, since you say this is solvable through gameplay, what would you say the solution is? Just someone donating me the materials or is there a way I can claim a new tile to make more money? I hadn't done the institution tutorials yet (I was on my way to them when I crashed my ship actually) so I don't yet really know what options I have to progress in the game other than mining.
  2. I really messed up my start with this game. I mined pretty much all the resources in my tile on sanctuary to be able to afford a ship. I spent about 500k on a ship and then crashed it instantly and got it stuck. Not sure what to do now because I don't know how to make money other than mining, I can't mine because there's no underground ores left on my tile, and since my ship is stuck I can't go anywhere. Is there a way I can dismantle my ship and rebuild it without losing any of the materials? My character is really far from a market so I don't want to walk 20km to a market and back just to rebuild it. I still have the blueprint for the basic speeder I got after the tutorial, but I don't have the materials to build it. And even if I wanted to buy the materials I don't know how to make much more money because my tile has almost no resources left. So I'm stuck and I don't know how to continue. If there's no way to rebuild the ship I bought is there atleast a way I can reset my character entirely so I can start again from the beginning and get a new tile?
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