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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by FD3242

  1. 25 minutes ago, Kuritho said:

    What if a thousand players made 100,000 "shifters"? I see no reason why the server shouldn't lag like crazy.

    Every game has things which if you had enough of you could cause lag, but realistically nobody would ever get enough to do that. (Unless they cost nothing)


    And again there are many things that can be done to limit lag in a situation like that.

    Another one is:

      4. Make it so the server stops animating them if load gets to high

      5. They don't need to make the animations server side. They only have to be visual so they only have to run on the cleint. All the server has to do is syc up all the players so they see the same thing.


    Also why did you quot shifters nobody said that.


  2. 11 minutes ago, Kuritho said:

    People would make small movies then.

    I'm down-


    Wait, what's that? Server processing power isn't infinite?

    If thousands of people can be editing terrain around you with no problem I see no reason why predefined states would be any more taxing.


    Sure you could spam thousands of these units around the place but there are things that can be done about that.

    For example:

     1. Allow only a limit amount of these on a given construct.

     2. Make them cost more then a pile of dirt.

     3. Only make them change if players are close enough to see it.

  3. The idea is a component that can store the state of voxels in small area and switch between them.


    The component can store up to (EXAMPLE NUMBER) 5 states.


    You can set this block to cycle between states. Basically making animated voxels. You could also hook it up to a script or logic circuit.


    For balance reasons they should make it so voxels destroyed in one state will also destroyed voxels of other states that are in the same spot.

    If they did not make it this way people could make cycling armor.


    I can imagine people making some pretty cool designs with this.


    I don't know if this would be a technical problem or not, it's just a idea.

  4. They really have not said much about this but considering other games like this... Gravity probably won't be a thing outside of a range around planets.


    They have stated they want them to rotate but they most likely won't orbit.


    I have not heard anything new about it.



  5. 51 minutes ago, LurkNautili said:

    The rings are most likely a representation of a predicted path based on current velocity and acceleration. It looks like the rings are spaced at fixed intervals, but the length of the interval changes in discrete steps (in the full video you can see it switch step size if I'm not mistaken).


    It probably uses the same numeric integrator that does the actual physics simulation with the same state and inputs (in terms of like, a phase space), except that it steps further (many seconds) into the future of the actual physics simulation. I mean it might be a different, more inexpensive integrator or larger step size or something if they're worried about the overhead, but it doesn't really matter. Point being that it's clearly a predicted path of the ship, given it's current state (velocity, acceleration).


    From what I understood it was exactly that ^

  6. 5 minutes ago, Vorengard said:

    These are very much work in progress, and not representative  of the final product. That's been said several times in the videos, and if people don't get that there's really nothing NQ can do.


    Besides, without them, you wouldn't be able to tell if you were moving in open space. I agree that they're not at all pretty, but that's ok, it's a pre-alpha game, it's not going to be pretty.

    Yes they are very work in progress.


    Which is a good reason not to show them until they are done.


    Edit: Or until there in a more finished state.

  7. I request that the orange rings you can see when flying are disabled when showing flight in videos.

    I was looking though this videos comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK4y2ImickQ&t=5s

    and I'm seeing a lot about the rings. Usually asking what they are and can they be disabled.


    I fear it may be a slight turn off for some people if they think they can't be disabled.

    I'm not asking you remove them from the game,

    just not show them in videos as they can be confusing for people new to this community/game.

  8. On 7/11/2017 at 1:20 PM, Vellnn said:

    Plz guess the phrase from the following C++ function ty o______o


    bool Question( bool _2B )


         return _2B || !_2B;


    string note;


    if(Question(true) == false)


      note = "This is impossible";



    if(Question(false) == false)


      note = "This is also impossible";



    if(note == null)


     print("It always outputs true");






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