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Everything posted by ShiftyPete

  1. This would really help with keeping track of stuff, so I could put things like "HQ", "Meganode", "x's base", etc on the map. I know you can get icons with the bookmarks system, but there is only a single icon type
  2. Hi all! The Independent Contractors Guild is a place for solo players and small orgs to network with one another and share the benefits of division of labour, while letting contractors maintain total independence from us - zero obligations. As an org you are free to advertise your services on our channel - even if they are competing with services we offer! For new Noveans we also offer a fast track program to help get you off your feel as fast as possible: Here is a secret, a little insider info if you will - the fastest way new Noveans can gain capital is by mining. But, oh the markets, they rip you off so badly! We offer a solution to this: We will loan you a large container and a territory unit on Alioth. Simply fill this container with ores, and trade them with us for a completed ship, parts to build one yourself, industry units, or whatever else you desire. We will take however many ores required to build these items + 10%, which is a considerably better deal than you would get on the market, and you don't have to wait for the items to build - we maintain a constant supply. You can fill a large container in a few hours, and this is significantly more than enough to build good ship which will increase your capabilities considerably. When you get off your feet, and become independent of us - you will have the option to use this org as a way to find contracts from ourselves or other orgs, or as a platform to advertise your services. Alternatively, you can apply for a staff role within the ICG. If you are interested, don't reply here, it's unlikely I will notice. Instead, add ShiftyPete as a contact, find us on discord at https://discord.gg/DPVHwKA or send an application to the Independent Contractors Guild directly. We look forward to hearing from you!
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