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Everything posted by UKFatGuy77

  1. I'll admit that the factories thus far have been quite limited in scope...that said 'All hail the XS & S Containers' which a little creativity and a lot fewer resources does exactly the same job
  2. Hiya, Just a suggestion, Basically I think that transfer units are too 'expensive' compared to the other industry items. to cut a long story short for the resources consumed by building one transfer unit you can build either 1 medium container, 1 large engine a large assembler or 5 other industry items. Personally i don't believe the limited functionality of the transfer unit when compared to the other items in its 'category'. Building and using transfer units would be much more appealing if they consumed just as much resources as as single medium industry maybe even 2 at a stretch given that they seem to be a hybrid industry unit/quality of life asset. currently their primary function seems to be to pick up catalysts from the out tray and place them back into the in tray....A large Engine it is most certainly not.... thats all for now UKFatguy
  3. Just a thought but it might could be motion blur in the graphics settings making you sick. I have to turn if off in every game which has it enabled because it kills me ?
  4. To cut a long story short is it possible to move overlapping inventory windows? While i can live with the overlaps it would be nice if moving them around is actually a thing
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