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Posts posted by Mortis

  1. I would love to see aerodynamics because I really love KSP yet I understand that devs need to balance performance vs. features and drag/lift combo with atmosphere computing and rotation wouĺd stress their servers too much if we multiply this by MMO magnitude of ships. It would be glorious to use gravitational turn, slingshot mechanics etc. too but I can't imagine how much computational power would it require. :unsure:

  2. I have built quite a few ships in other games and I usually start with placing all usable machinery, weapons and other things on a platform to take account of sizes, decide what needs to be incorporated etc. Then I play a bit of tetris to pack those necessary things into not that big volume and I finally wrap some hull around it. 

  3. not in this thread.




    and direct stat manipulation completely removes the interesting part of the design system :P

    the interesting part in the whole system as i advocate is that you have to think and tinker around with the sliders to get the actual gameplay relevant stats you want.


    to reuse my gauß cannon again: 

    there is no single part that affects efficiency, muzzle velocity, damage, or most of the stats that actually matter.


    a bigger barrel isnt just "moar damage".

    its heavier projectile, higher ammo needs, more size, more mass, more recoil, larger, less efficient coiling (which subsequently causes the bullet to be even slower than it would be from the increased mass), lower refire rate if you are power limited, and (if its a turret) lower tracking speed due to the increased mass and size.


    and that was /one/ tweakable of /at least/ 5 or 6 that a gauß cannon would have.


    there is no "one slider per stat" thing as you claim.


    your system is the shallow and boring one because you can directly chose what you want, instead of tweaking the whole device to do what you want.


    I have spent quite a few hours in From the Depth as well as using procedurally generated parts mod for KSP. Yeah, that's what I would really love to see. You can never win, because it's not possible but You are always looking for working compromise and that is what makes tinkering so much fun.

  4. All ideas I have read here are interesting and I hope that moving cargo is not going to be too simple or too tedious. Devs need to make compromises left and right, I'm aware of that but simple teleportation from A to B would bee too easy as hauling everything by hand would be endless chore. Conveyors/pipes etc. with scriptable behavior might be really good way to handle it. I would love to see assault "leech" crafts attacking my mining ship if it means that they need to dock with me, make a hole and suck directly from really large containers inside the ship. I know it's probably not gonna happen but it would be great.

  5. This isn't really how it works.  Large objects are indeed subject to greater stresses than small objects when in orbit, but the effects are backwards.


    Any object in orbit around a larger object experiences a certain amount of tidal stress.  Essentially this is the difference in the force of gravity on the near side of the object relative to the force on the far side of the object.  Given a fixed diameter object, such as a moon, the difference between the near and far sides is much greater in a low orbit than it is in a high orbit.  If we increase the diameter of this moon then we also increase this difference.  Earth's moon, for example, experiences enough tidal stress at a relatively high orbit to keep one side facing our planet at all times and create a bulge on the near side.If the Moon were brought closer to Earth then the tidal forces would increase, the bulge would be exaggerated and we could start seeing seismic activity on the Moon (as well as Earth).  If it were brought too close then those tidal forces would rip it apart and, instead of a single moon, we would have rings.  The distance at which this happens is called the Roche limit.  The stress isn't related to "entering" the gravitational field or how high the object is when it "starts," what matters is the object's distance relative to the Roche limit at any given time.


    On the opposite end we have small objects, such as spacecraft, satellites, most asteroids, meteors, etc.  These objects are so small that the tidal forces they experience are negligible even at extremely low orbits.  If someone were to try to launch a huge object at us, such as Ceres, then it might break up during its approach (though the effects would still be devastating, intact or otherwise).  If, on the other hand, someone picked one of the small asteroids then it would likely remain intact right up until it hit the atmosphere.  Actually redirecting the object towards the planet is the real challenge; in addition to the high energy requirements this kind of attack would probably result in a tug of war between attackers and defenders trying to redirect a specific asteroid months or years in advance of the actual impact.


    As for game purposes things get a bit more difficult.  I highly doubt this game will have anything resembling orbital mechanics and it sounds like we won't normally have collision damage.  It is possible that the devs could code a special exemption to have objects which fall from space and hit the ground at sufficient velocity to explode, though it would be a lot of extra work on their end to code both this system and a method to push asteroids around.  On the other hand bombarding a planet with conventional weapons could be made as simple as pointing your guns directly at the target and firing.  This wouldn't work with orbital mechanics (unless you use lasers or particle beams) but it might work in DU's physics with the main concern being game balance.


    EDIT:  One thing I should also mention, if someone does manage to throw an object at a planet that is large enough for the Roche limit to actually be a factor then it probably doesn't matter whether it breaks up before impact or not.  Either way you can pretty reliably count on wiping out all life on the surface.


    Hello Archer,

    have You ever been told that it would be great to have much more players as You are? If not, I'm doing it now.


    To the point of this thread. I have tried Rods of God in Space Engineers and Kerbal Space program and it's hard to hit anything but it's fun to try anyway.


    Some kind of collision damage would be nice even if only to have some kind of boarding torpedoes.

  6. Well this game is about advancing technology so it could be that while we have to grow our own food in the beginning we could be able to make auto harvesting hydroponics latter or automated farming equipment (its nearly there already).

    Of course as a veteran player of moded MC I know what can be done but I was more concerned about time between necessary chomps if You understand what I mean. I'm fine with having to sow, water and harvest something I just don't like when game forces me to eat every ten minutes.

    It's better to have more difficult growing and cooking with much longer periods between eating at least for me. I would even say that eating more thew twice during two hour game session is a bit irritating.

  7. Wood can be used as a renewable source of a carbon which can be turned into many things. I would even say that having different types of wood and other plants ready to harvest would make decorations much better even without turning this biomass into something chemically different.

    Having to eat and drink is not that great part of most games that deal with it.  It might be fun to grow our own food but it becomes boring chore rather too quickly.

  8. To this topic I would like to say that there will be a lot of nice and detailed ships because people love to show themselves (all those skins, pets, legendary weapons etc. in other MMOs) but it wouldn't be good just to ostricize anyone for having just a plain ugly ship. I like my creations simple, boxy, utilitarian and dark grey even if it means those might seem ugly to most others.

    Don't worry it will be fun. ;-)

  9. You made me think and I would say that if I have a choice to pay around 10 EUR a month it's not worthy for me to spend more than three hours trying to pay that with in-game curency but that would be too cheap to motivate people into paying anything. 

    Situation might be different for each and every player but I would say that it would be fair to need at least 5 hours a month focused on geting that if we consider average player who spends around 30-50 hours a month by playing the game. It would make it at least 10% of their playtime focused just to play another month.

  10. Sure you can be a solo player, but you can't expect to be a swiss army knife. You won't be able to make a giant battleship on your own for more reasons than one.


    Well I have spent a year solo-building Taj-Mahal in survival (vanilla) MC. It took months just to dig that 15 000 000 blocks to make a hole for it and many more to perfect my build. I wouldn't say that great tasks in sandbox games are impossible. It just takes time and dedication. :D On the other hand those slow tasks are something that helps me rest after work. I hope You are wrong in this case. I don't mind spending year or so of my late evenings to build a nice ship just by myself but I'm usually just too tired to play well with others.

  11. I'm proposing a mixture of both, you still have a skill tree that you train in a linear fashion regardless of weather you're logged on or not, but you also have the XP gain from doing things.  If you're just sitting there setting up your organization system or designing a construct you don't gain anything except what's in your training cue, but if you are gathering resources or building a construct or even shooting some marauding nutjob you gain XP in the related fields as well as what you have in your training cue.


    Yeah, it would be great. I don't need to be good at everything but I really wish to feel that doing something makes me better at it. It might be a bit wierd but I really like mining and solitutde it offers but I would love to see all those hundreds and thousands of tons of ore made my character better at mining not just me as a player. And what would I load into my brain whilst being offline? Probably some way to get a little better at trading or building which are skills that are important even for focused solitary character but I really don't wish to spend as much time with them.

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