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Posts posted by piddlefoot

  1. Thanks champ, been browsing through forum hadn't seen it here yet so cheers.


    So anyway I have decided to give this a go, my first subscription game of this type ever, not overly impressed by the model but Ive read heaps on it now and understand it a bit better , I still don't like it much but if its the only way to play the game then I can lash out for it.


    I guess at the end of the day you can always cancel , but the amount of hours I put into these voxel building games , as Im retired, is a lot, around 5000 hours in the last 18 months or so, maybe it will work out ok if the sub isn't to expensive.


    The other thing is once you start building stuff, you don't really want to stop so I can see me stuck in there building for days on end, it worries me that I might get addicted to this game and then get stuck with rising sub costs as production goes on, wait n see I guess.


    But anyway yall have some more fodder to shoot at, my hand eye so ordination aint what it used to be !

    See you all in the game I guess.

  2. Thank you for some clarification there about the funding, I haven't had much time to browse through the forum just in my spare time Ive posted here so far, I would agree 15 is to much, I would rather see it as low as 5$ before I see any value at all as its the sort of game your likely to play for years not months if your into this genre.


    Is there a thread on the specs of the server system that's going to be running the game anywhere ?


    Nice to hear theres no in game major perks yet, but this is something that can change at anytime without notice, I guess this is something that will reflect poorly on the developers if they chose to do that so lets hope they never do.

  3. I never said it doesn't work as a business model, just its a really poor one, the end user is the one being ripped off , not the developers they make heaps fast even if the game fails like so many of these have, if a game that you pay for once stops development at least you still have a game to play, if they stop these types of games often the server shut down also rendering the game effectively dead.

    The end user pays way to much for these type of subscriptions and then in game credits for real money and pay to win items its really a bad joke for fair game play, and because of the huge long term costs tens of thousands of players will never even touch it.

    I don't speak on behalf of any developers, I speak as an end user like you, this type of subscription system should worry all of you really. 


    What are the computer specs of the system this game will be running on anyone know ?


    And what is the cost of the subscription going to be ?


    And what about in game perks, how much are they ?


    Yall should start a petition to get the devs to consider a different business model.

  4. How am I a freeloader, I pay for all of my games and I don't steal them or music, your slack attempt at labelling people is a sneaky way to change the subject and try to take the focus of the poor business model these chumps are using.


    In fact I usually buy multiple copies of pre-alpha games which supports the developers, who are you to assume anything, just shows how you assume everything and don't know what your talking about at all.


    Minecraft does not charge YOU a cent to play on there servers. Period.

    And you even get your OWN server with there software, ppfftt Dual Universe, more like Dual WALLET !


    You don't have to agree with me, and I haven't attacked you personally, you could ignore posts you don't like, isn't that hard, I read the thread and ignored most of them and posted for the developers to read not to be insulted by some fanboy who doesn't like another persons opinion.




    By the way, Ive never payed minecraft a cent for the server that I ran for years from my home, on software that came with the game for 30 bucks, in 2 years you can tell me how much this game has cost you at that point and we can all have a good laugh about it then, sound like a plan ?

  5. I don't really care what other peoples opinions are, its the developers that need to read this thread and get the message that there going to loose potentially millions of customers over a 10 year period with this garbage business model.


    I am heavily involved in the gaming industry and game development , and I know that this type of business model is a scam. Imagine if Minecraft had done this, they never would have sold 33 million copies but they would probably have made just as much of a few people in the short time the game would have been around, but because Minecraft used a MUCH BETTER business model it made Notch a fortune and the game TO THIS DAY is still getting updates and development. WAKE UP.


    To those who like to insult people over there view and get personal, you have just shown your true colours that you are immature.


    If you want a quality game you need a better business model than one that blatantly rips you off every month.


    Thousands of potential customers GONE, from this poor decision.


    Like I said, if the game is good enough the funds will come in anyway as more buy it, this is a PROVEN business model that actually works in BOTH developer and CUSTOMER favour, wake up there ripping you off, yes the game looks great but no game is worth hundreds and hundreds of dollars over a couple of year period you just have to have failed maths at school to believe it so.

  6. I was all like , this game looks even better than Empyrion and then I ran into this thread and it really is a poor model to use a subscription system where you have to pay over and over again.


    If the game is good enough, the sales will stay very constant and the funds will come in just fine for development and keeping the game in a good state for years and if the plan is to be bigger and better than EVE and or Space Engineers or Empyrion or Startmade or Minecraft  then they should not have any problems with funding as it sells more and more copies from word of mouth on forums and Steam  etc.

    The argument that only subscription games stay up to date and function properly is garbage.


    User pays for Plex or any sort of ingame credits for real money is just a blatant way of ripping people of  a lot more money than they would usually pay for AAA games with the risk it wont even make it to become a AAA game.


    So Im put of this game by this type of model and I hope the developers change there minds or at least have some form of the game that plays on a home PC in singleplayer or even home servers would be ideal.

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