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Everything posted by ScarletVoid

  1. I think weapon customization should be in the game similar to what we get in fallout 4 where you use various weapon parts and put them together creating all sorts of crazy designs that could either be very practical or as worthless as a pile of ash. As well as the ability to add some metal plating onto the weapons so you could customize the look so factions could still have weapons that functionally are the same but would still look different in the case of them reverse engineering the weapons of their foe who is more advance Also allowing players to say import a texture for the weapon would be interesting like how ArcheAge allows you to import images and have them show up on you ships sails. I am well aware that combat is not your main priority but implementing something like this would defiantly please players and technically speaking you don't even need to implement it in the beginning it could be implemented when ever your done with the basics of combat and start to develop combat into something more interesting after everything else meets your standards. I look forward to your response.
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