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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Bad3gg

  1. Your delay in letting us know what was probably always going to happen is why the heart has gone out of the game for a lot of us and we need to digest this. This will be my 3rd/4th but by far the worsed wipe. In this beta we went from "no plans to wipe"to "wipe only if absolutely necessary" to "its something we are always discussing internally and no decision has been agreed" an now a post that obviously leads towards a total wipe! Whilst you were leaving the bad news to the last minute knowing that a wipe was financially your best option, us mere mortals continued building bigger and better, trying not to let your indecision ruin the game. There have been some amazing creations in this game that could be lost and even whilst building those we were constantly adjusting our ships to meet new build criteria. And training up skills so we could keep our cores. You even recently awarded prizes that will now be lost. To cap it all, what about the original kickstarter promises? I wouldn't push for a pet but you stay silent on the rewards we were supposed to get In game. Ultimately I'm extremely disappointed in how we got to this stage. You also have to accept that some long term players with good skills will leave but im sure you'll offset that with new paying players. But for goodness sake make the decision now so we can move on!!!! Don't delay this any more!
  2. Not many issues get me this wound up to actually make a comment but this bug has got to be fixed. It sucks the fun out of the game when every patch comes out and you have to worry that your machines (or mining units now) have stopped. We rely on the products these produce to pay for the taxes that have now been implemented so we dont lose our hexes. It is not always possible to get in game everyday to check if a machine has stopped and you don't normally find out until your end product is not in the box. It can take me up to a week to catch all machines that have stopped or have unknown server error. and it takes many hours for production to restart if a refiner/transfer unit goes down. Bugs like this are the ones that cause people to leave because it makes the whole process disheartening and I am certainly fed up with the "We are aware of the problem" responses. Please just FIX IT !!!!!!
  3. discordauth:clKO0Yc-mzOX5J3j8_0VZHy26mxSTViXzLSDo0rCot8=

  4. discordauth:clKO0Yc-mzOX5J3j8_0VZHy26mxSTViXzLSDo0rCot8=

  5. Long time watcher, first time poster. Nice to be here! Looking forward to helping the cause.
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