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  1. Will there be an In-game voice? mechanic, and if not can there be a solid one? An in-game voice mechanic which allows you to talk to players that are within a certain area near you. And they can hear you louder the closer you are? And also possibly a way to amplify your voice for example if you're giving a political speech? Or something like PA speakers so you can alert your crew to abandon ship? Even something else like using ships to contact another one of your ships to give them an order or even a motivational speech?. Without an in-game voice, people would be negotiating by typing or even using software such as discord and this can be long and complicated just to talk to someone you just met. And let's say you have a meeting with a high up official who just sent you a message to meet him. Would you rather click on a discord room with him in it and talk? Or would you rather stroll down to the hanger and enter a ship and flying to the officials command ship. To then proceed to walk into his office and sit down for a meeting. This could be done similar to games like Dayz, Rust, and many others. It would really push forward how realistic cooperation between two people can go and the entire game in a whole. Update - (3/03/2018) This suggestion was made a long while ago, and during the course of that time, some interesting questions and ideas have been brought to the discussion that I would like to touch on here. This type of communication is a necessity for Dual Universe, for the scale of this game having a voice system really boosts its quality and can even make the game, Chance encounters are one of the most important and exciting moments you will experience, without a proper communication system they simply cannot be brought to their full potential. One of the largest reasons is that Dual Universe is a societal game, from nations to pirates and companies. You need a way to convey information that is easy and and connected to the game, some examples of this include traders trying to convince you to buy one of their products, a police officer asking for identification, a pirate asking for demands, a superior officer in the military giving you a quick order in an intense situation and the chance encounters that were mentioned earlier like someone who has managed to settle on the same asteroid as you or someone in the street of a large city. These examples show you why 3rd party services cannot be relied on, they take too long to configure and to hold one for an entire organisation would require a stupidly large amount of constant micro-management. A city is alive because information flows through it, cities are what keep organisations alive and if you cannot allow information to flow through a city then it results in the eventual collapse of that establishment and possibly the organisation. An in-game voice system perfectly fits into the city and maps it accordingly unlike 3rd party software. [Further Explanation of above point] For example, lets take discord and build up a small model area of a city, we have a marketplace with around 100 people trading and talking to each other, we have an area not too far away where there is a political candidate giving a speech and between them another area that is a residential building, some conversations are taking place between people looking to buy an apartment and neighbors talking to each other. Its possible at this point to create a setup in discord, you could have a voice room with everyone in it, but then you face difficulty hearing the person you are trying to listen too because everyone is the same volume, you could take the more obvious root and divide the channels into speech, market and residential but then each one has the same problem of not being able to hear the person they are talking too maybe directly calling someone is a better option but then no one can enter that conversation so you divide up the rooms again. In a sense an attempt to map the city to discord. The problem with mapping in discord is that when a new instance is created discord cannot simply be updated, lets say there is an explosion or crash nearby, a new environment has been created, for in-game voice its a matter of walking into this area to hear the new environment and for the map to be updated, you would also globally hear the effect of the crash and how it affects the market, speech and residential area. Discord cannot have a new environment in this area unless you have someone online who can create a new channel in a hurry, and even then you would not get the connected experience you would with an integrated voice system. Some common problems/points: This would put too much load on the server: It could, I'm sure if NQ puts there mind to it they can find a way around it, for example, it could become P2P. This isn't what NQ should be focusing on right now: I agree they shouldn't even look at this feature until some time before launch, or even after launch, it doesn't mean it shouldn't be in the game. This would be an annoying feature: It might be in some places, but if you are in a nation it becomes there responsibility to moderate it, there could be some settings in-game which allow you to disable it, mute specific people, adjust your hearing range etc. Thank you, this has been an interesting discussion and I hope it continues to be.
  2. Is there a discord channel or similar for people to discuss ideas / the game currently? I searched the forums but found nothing, maybe I'm doing it wrong.
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