United Earth Space Corps [UESC] The United Earth Space Corps is a military faction with a lawful good alignment.
We are courageous warriors, and we are wolves, and together our wolfpack will be unstoppable.
Initially the U.E.S.C. aims to be a small to medium (20-100) player faction focusing on friendship and teamwork.
We strive to be the best of the best in military combat and military ship design.
Warriors of the U.E.S.C. have the freedom to build and upgrade their own ships.
If you are in a wolfpack (party) the reward is split evenly between all warriors in the wolfpack regardless of rank.
If you go hunting as a lone wolf you keep all of the reward.
For larger projects members can choose to donate credits and materials to expand our military.
Weekly events will be held once full server persistence is available.
Members will receive :
Training in all forms of combat.
An Elite Fighter craft.
Armour, Rifle, and other ordinance for small arms combat.
A Hangar for your Fighter craft with personal storage.
Personal residential apartment with personal storage.
With Courage we will fight for Freedom!
Will you join the wolfpack of the U.E.S.C.? https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/united-earth-space-corps#tab-description https://discord.gg/4hxk98Y