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Found 3 results

  1. We can script by Lua in the game but its usage now is quite limited. Add OpenGL Library for more comfortable space travel. I wonder how dangerous it is that cockpit canopy breaks. But, with OpenGL available, I can script to see what's there outside through the display. This makes big difference in safety Another example is a rader. I can implement a rader showing allied ships, hostile ships, obstacles using OpenGL
  2. Who am I? Currently a student in a software engineering major. Why are you here? Well to make fast ships and big guns. What do you plan to do? Build ships for deep space exploration and hopefully write some good code while I am at it. What role do you plan to play? Deep space exploration and ship design/programming. Are you a lone wolf or "team" player? A little of both. If an organisation wants my skills and thinks I could be of good use, plus can compensate me accordingly, I would be more than happy to join up. As long as I feel that I am being put to good use. Other than that I will probably be by myself out in the great unknown building star gates and finding cool stuff. What do you hope to accomplish in the game? Just building cool things really. I love designing, building, and exploring. This feels like the perfect game for someone like me. Anything else you can think of? Not really, I mostly did this so if someone is interested in who I am then they could find this. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will update this with questions as they are asked(that is if anyone out there really cares to know)
  3. Hello , I'd like to be able to create, design and program things or why not trade it with the comunity to get rich ! Those would be some kind of products, programed systems, like automatic defense of a fort, city, base. Or even admin acces, Doors control, restrictions, and maybe ability to HACK terminals that were programmed by other players in order to bypass security, to control the program and reverse the situation. By designing I also mean the UI shape would be something you could create or trade, So each faction could own its own "personality". And maybe something more than the UI, dunno lets talk about that ! You would be able to save the program on hard drives, to use it from a "smartphone from the future", a control terminal, a spaceship(anysize). Something like that would require a simple langage such as LUA, you'll have to learn sure but this feature could be the opening for an infinite way to scultp the world, and make this place living with tons of interactions, and new paths. Its also a big opening for trading(selling programs, AI), recruiting(a member that knows how to program), wars/battles: victory by hacking devices (etc...) You would choose whatever you want to create to defend yourself, upgrade the base/ship (etc...). I hope that this idea wasn't already set Thanks ! EDIT: I went further into my explanations, to let you exactly know what I meant: I was thinking about something more "complex", at least free to do anything. Like a turret protocol, choose when, how, why it should fire. And something I would looove to be able to do is assembling my system to make my turret: servo motors, power source, weapon technology used, sensors, and hull but with voxels not the furnitures(meshes) they give. Then you'll have to script the turret to make it aim right by contoling each servo motors, setup the axis, program it so you can control it with the keys you binded in the program, or even program an AI that aim everything the sensors detect as 'hostile". Thats where the hacking is interesting, he change the aim protocol from hostile to allies, tirn those against the creator maybe ^^
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