Some things are missing from LUA API that I think should be there:
Get docked construct name by ID
Currently you can only get its ID, except through radar. This function should be available as a general parent construct function, not just radar.
Get docked construct position/orientation by ID
These functions exist for getting the parent's position/orientation, but not the docked construct
Get active waypoint
If the player has a waypoint active, return it as a ::pos string, just as with the function to get waypoint from player position.
A category for "database" in the codex
Some functions use database to get information, like database.getConstruct and database.getPlayer(ID).
Categories for other function types that aren't listed but can be used, if there are any others (like database), or updating existing categories with functions that aren't listed but exist
Self explanatory. People can't use functions if they don't know they even exist, what they do, or how to properly call them