We know of various cultures within Dual Universe that arrived within the last centuries of Earth. The Luminous, Alphas, Ethereans and the Emporium. Aside from this little tidbit of knowledge, not much else is known about them. While we await for Alpha to be released, why not have some fun and speculate. What drove these cultures to arise? Who would you side with. Maybe create some history for one of them. Each culture will have their own ups and downs and intricacies. I hope they're given a proper lore/background by NQ, and I'm looking forward to them being picked up by various organisations out there.
I re-found this while trawling through the lore double checking things for another project. And spent a few minutes creating potential emblems for each culture for fun. Feel free to touch them up as there are definitely better artists than me and I used my laptop+track pad. Or come up with better designs.