Having thought about how resource collection will play out over time, and the usual demand out-stripping supply, i propose methods of collecting resources on a far greater scale, these methods deal with mined materials.
Thinking far larger then mining as a small group, rather entire organizations or very large resource divisions, preforming literal planetary mining. With varying degrees of required technology and feasibility, i envisage techniques such as:
Orbital bombardment, rendering portions of a planets surface into rubble/debris, ready to be collected and processed.
Orbital Melting, as the name Implies, from orbit areas of a planet are melted resulting in all potential resources and the surrounding rock/surface material liquefying and or burning away. continued heating over time should result in the formation of separate layers of semi-refined material which can be cooled and collected.
Tectonic 'plate mining' (planet cracking under a different name) whereby sections of a planet or moon are carved out and pulled into space for immediate processing, this method could also be used on asteroids (whole or otherwise).
These are just a few examples and are my thoughts of what could be, mega-scale/high-end mining.
Please share thoughts below.