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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Itorius

  1. clarification on the proposal of removing scematics needs more info, this will affect how the game play works currently. previously before schematics everyone had a factory, noone even used the markets. every man/woman and his dog had a mega factory.


    im all for a full wipe if its best for the game to start afresh.


    regarding the cons on constructs. (basically alpha constucts with no owner probably and constucts that are outside the build box)

    when you wiped alpha to beta we where still able to just respawn all these constructs with our blueprints. will these construct owners be told we had delete etc blueprint as it was a problem or will we still have the blue print to start the cycle again?


    regarding the compensation i agree something should be given to vetran backers. ill leave this to you to explain more before judging, but ppl who have a paid subscription with you for say 12months plus should also be have some consideration too. they have comitted just as much as a veteran.


    look forward to more info. the sooner the better on this i would suggest. noone wants to wait around in limbo and for you to get the same level of bug reporting/testing on the next update we need a time frame.



  2. On 3/1/2022 at 2:47 PM, Gottchar said:

    I wouldn’t mind outsourcing some work, but the tedium, high price (to compete with NPC missions) and restrictions mean I either ask a buddy to fly it (and I move from container to container via VR) or, in 99% of the cases, I just fly myself.

    this so much!  i use it for smaller packages as i know they will be picked up and delivered into pvp zone but anything large i go myself there no point. anyone willing fly that much weight is afk doing aphelia missions.


    while im here can we please implement elemt damage.



  3. "The best news of all is that we plan to release a smaller update between now and Athena release to introduce some quality of life improvements."


    i hope this includeds things like fixing the fog on teoma

    it would nice for a fix to the abismal minefield of making waypoints and the system in genral i dont need be able lock on to my friend i can just ask them. if it worked well. and if they now die they can paste me the coardianates of the notification.

    small fixes like having enter key work when you add an amount in things..


    otherwise im really excited for the new things :)

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