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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Seiyaryu

  1. 6 hours ago, Greenfox said:

    Probably this.


    When you mined say 100m³ the last time.

    Now you mine 100l for the same time invested.


    BUT the recipes probably still require just 100l ...


    So you have literally a factor of 1000 more storage space ... in that sense. Cause something that needed 1m³ now needs 1l or something more realistic. ^^


    Yeah, that's also how I understood it. They wrote that your inventory will fill up as fast as before whan you are mining even though it is 16 times smaller.

    So you gather less material but you also use less, thus "drastically reducing the amount of weight that a player would have to reasonably move around", to quote them.


    I think that's really good news, antigravity will no longer be unavoidable on cargos. The incentive on good logistics is going to be weaker, but the fuel consumption and time to travel should still be enough.


    Regarding honeycombs, they did wrote that they are going to be more expensive, though in what measure remains to be seen.

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