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Posts posted by Kadian_Vance

  1. My only concern is that having instanced ships where multiple people are walking around during combat and then having lets say 300 ships in that battle all with people walking around those instanced ships. I just shudder at the amount of calculations being applied to the server and latency issues. I don't care who you are or what your company has. I have been in MMO games in large battles and there will always be more people and assets on screen that the servers can handle...if you tell us we can have 500 people fighting at the same time and not get a single bit of lag or errors that is awesome....but we will bring 800 and crash the server. you upgraded the server? we can have 1200 now? awesome but now we are bringing 1500 and the lag is so bad i cant do anything....i lost my ship or assets ...my avatar got stuck in a moon when the game froze and i couldn't steer my ship. 


    The point is no mater what awesome way they come up with letting millions of people play together and have their awesome assets on screen together. the player base will find a way to tax the system to a breaking point...Would i like to walk around a large capital ship...sure...but i would rather have fluid game play and stable large fleet battles and warfare. 

  2. I think with the developers stating that they are fans of Eve Online and Minecraft and other game that the answer to your question is already answered. I feel like the game would work best with a system that allows the player to log off with assets that aren't permanent assets. 


     As in if you are in your ship running about having a good time and decide to log off or get disconnected you simply disappear with your assets that are in space or that you are actively piloting.


     Having said that I think you are talking more about a large ship with multiple people inside. And if that is the case I believe a semi-permanent structure rule should apply.


     As in if you are in a large ship with multiple PCs inside it would simply stay in space if you logged off or disconnected until everyone had logged off or disconnected. And at that time would return to the owner upon logging back in unless the asset was destroyed in your absence while it was still an active asset in game.


     Lastly even though you hadn't mentioned it regarding stationary assets such as space stations or cities i believe the best solution is a permanent structure combat system with either vulnerability timers and windows or active AI defenses and offenses and either of those systems can and should cost time and materials or both adding to the "sink" side of a currency faucet/sink system that is sure to be a part of any decent economy system.

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