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Posts posted by CaptainApe

  1. to necro a thread..


    A NPC Crew/ Service Bots Block that you add to medium to large ships or cities etc. Which fulfills the following roles:

    1:  RP purposes, this imaginary "crew" mop floors etc so the players can focus on command decisions, shooting guns etc. I imagine this game will be a little like Black Wake for large ship combat.
    2  Maybe if the block gets damaged scripts don't work till a player fixes it.
    2: EVE In-plants role, the block boosts player stats. So if someone is firing a gun, the gun reloads quicker as "the crew" oiled and maintained it.
    3: Morality/Karma, players can choose to add an additional Lifeboat for these imaginary NPCs or  leave them to die, also they loose the bonuses if they don't.

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