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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Nosman123

  1. I Still do and enjoy every minute. Tho it seems like most people here that played it were solo or industrails. and only quit do to gankers "griefers". As a mostly pvper in Eve i dont see the issue with gankers. it helps keep the isk flowing. ya it sucks if you dye with 20B+ but at the same time you should have know that flying a hauler worth that much in high sec was risky. its like the people that still get baited on Freeports. if you would have just takin 2mins to check the system history you would have known going there was a death sentence.


    But all i can say is i hope DU does not take the albion online approach and make the a Green zone were you cant attack any one no matter what. all im saying is if i see someone with realy expansive gear/stuff in a safish zone clearing sites/get resources. i should be able to get a group of people to go kill them for it.

    P.s. Its not the games fault for not catering to carebears. your not the source of income your just part of the content for the big bois that live dangerously.

  2. there should be a kill board if something gets destroyed. so if someone builds the death star or the pegasus. then loses it. the only way you will know is via a players story or "youtube". other then that you can just say ya i destroyed this guys freighter that had like a ton of stuff on it. it made me so rich i cant show you how much money it was worth/i got because i lost it when i was coming back to my base.


    or at least a loss board that says this person just lost this much value of stuff to this person. so some one can prove it and not just rely on a story they tell and hope you believe them. but that is if DU does pvp where you lose everything when you die.

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