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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by macdja38

  1. Murder, blood and violence shall reign... Is their even going to be a pvp system implemented in the alpha?

    I agree with the no griefing, (destroying things just for the sake of causing negative emotion in the other party) But I believe that the combat system if any being tested as part of this alpha will be important. Not only testing the game mechanics but also testing how it shapes the future of dual universe.

  2. Something no-one has really brought up is the possibility of an item that gives you more ingame time being released, which I think I heard something about. That would allow multiboxers to mine and earn enough to support their other accounts without pay to win... potentially making this style of gameplay more common.

  3. In the case of dual universe from what I understand the economy will be player based. So if someone finds a really cool way of producing a new item they could realisticaly make a ton of money from it before other's discover how. But by selling the item they will begin to lower it's value and everything will reach a new balance quickly. If it's something that actually completely 100% breaks the game, such as a ship that's impossible to see or target with the ingame weapon systems there's a decent chance they will simply fix the targetting system and move on.

  4. Personally I'd like it to be a series of puzzels you can solve, maybe with some experements involved to research something. Less RNG and waiting if possible. Their's a magic mod in minecraft called thaumcraft that has some fun puzzels you need to solve to unlock the research for each item. Something like this where each element must be connected to one of the two that composes it in order to link, and you need to build a path between the 4 corner elements and connect them all. It's a decent way of doing it because it involves less skill and more resources, but more skilled players can come up with more efficient solutions to the problem http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/thaumcraft-4/images/3/37/Research_Mastery_Research.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150524204156

  5. I have no clue if planets will orbit other planets or whatever. Their's just 2 things I want to clarify. In our real life star system the moon is orbiting the earth but the earth is also orbiting the moon. They both effect each other and that's one of the things that makes the physics a bit more complex. That said I have no doubt we will be able to have ships orbit planets simply because it would be almost hard to break that mechanic. So long as ships are effected by gravity while near the planet and they can move they will be able to go into orbit around it. Orbiting a planit is as simle as moving in a straight line while the planet pulls you towards it. Even if all they do is implement ships that can move and planets that have gravity which pulls on ships I doubt their's much they could do to break that mechanic.

  6. I definitaly like the idea of cryopods as a log out point, maybe as a respawn point that reward the user for using them, but if you do need to go in a rush you could always log out from any spot, and return to those blocks at a later point. so long as nothing has been built there. If something has been built there you would spawn at the nearest safe location. Logging out should definitaly have a maybe 5 minute period where you are still vulnerable and fading away, to prevent combat logging and all that. Depending on the duration of space battles that may have to be increased.

  7. Will you be able to make locations relative and will I be able to make systems communicate across multiple ships

    I'm sure you will be able to get the ship's current position and subtract that from the cordinates to make them relative if they don't add a way to do that. Systems communicating accross mulitple ships I'm definitaly hoping for especially since I've heared some talk of autonimouse fighers being a possibility.

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