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Posts posted by Bleep_Bloop

  1. Of course 2 John Doe wouldnt have the same name but they would be able to show the same name (by hiding the middle name) . And you dont have to remember your friend IDs if you have a friendlist and stuff. Maybe allow players to give their friends nicknames/tags just like with steam friendlist.


    Im aware that all this is unlikely to happen since NQ would have to refund all those name reservations. It would have been a nice addition to the game though.

  2. Well just look at real life. My name is Ben, there are thousands other people out there with the same name. Does it bother me? Nope. You dont see name reservations in real life except for corporations/brands. It would be realistic to have it that way.


    @Lethys It wont stop people from adding numbers in their names if they WANT to. But at least it wont force people to add them if they DONT want to just to have the name they want.


    @NQ As for destroying reputations, that wouldnt be possible because you should be able to see the account ID (or at least part of it) in the markets or in chat by clicking on the names to get options like add friend/whisper/party invite etc... And of course if people were aware that all names are not unique they would learn to not lower their esteem of X player based on some shit talk in the chat. Forcing people to think twice before judging wouldnt be that bad after all, dont you think? Problems you mentioned are out of the question ''if done right''.


    I know entropia universe offers something close to that by letting players pick a 1-first name 2-middle name 3-last name and allowing to hide/show parts of it. You could have 2 John Doe and easily know who is who by checking the player profile to show the middle name.

  3. Your "done right" doesn't always align with the majority's "done right"


    Prepare for that, it also sounds like NQ is not going down that route either... much like most MMOs.


    Maybe but theres only benefits to doing things that way. 


    1-You get to please everyone by letting them pick any name

    2-You dont see people with numbers in their names for the sake of enjoying some role-play

  4. If the game is done right you wont need a name reservation. You will have a unique account ID and your character will have whatever name you want it to have.

  5. Yup, definitely a hater. But against me because of my opinions. Who cares ;)

    Let it die


    That'd make you feel special to know someone cares about you enough to hate you. In reality youre the toxic player here, you answered a guy's comment about the game with some passive aggressive shit showing him the door instead of taking 5 minutes to convince him that the game would be worth full price. Im against that attitude. I really hope the other 1.2k comments you posted arent like that for the sake of these forums.


    I dont care if you spent 500$, what you do hurts the game, as it will need as much support as it can get and its not up to you to turn away players. If you cant respect those who have neutral/negative opinions of this game then you should take a break from these forums and wait for developpement to follow its course. 

  6. Since Bleep_Bloop has nothing to add to this discussion other than we are wrong and fanboys, and we have nothing to add other than that we support NQ's decision, I think its time we let this thread die so that we can give it a proper burial.


    Because this whole thread revolves around you guys vs my opinion...*sarcasm* Honestly those forum badges are bloating some heads, you guys hang around the forums allowing yourselves to show the door to other potential buyers if they disagree with you like you own the game.

  7. Im starting to see a pattern with Bleep_Bloop.


    The first thread he wrote was blatantly offensive "What are the chances of this game being any good"


    And the rest of his posts are about how he doesnt like the payment model.


    He's just trolling the forum.


    LMFAO fanboy detected. I questionned the outcome of the game, which was regarded by most people there as healthy skepticism.... 'blatantly offensive' jesus christ dude you just made my day im gonna piss myself.


    For real how thick is your skull. I didnt even express my opinion of the payment model (in the first post), just what I think it will look like. 


    I actually have nothing against the p2p model as long as it doesnt hurt the game, which I think it might do.

  8. Just stop feeding the troll. Bleep_Bloop has obviously made up his mind and decided not to change, so trying to debate him will do nothing. He's asked his questions and got his answers, and ignored them. Now he is just angry. Making him angrier won't help anything. The payment model has been set and he won't change it, neither did the 20 others before him. 


    Bleep_Bloop, if you don't want to pay for the game, then don't, but if you don't pay you don't play. It's that simple. So when the game comes out, watch some videos of it, play the trial period, and decide if it is worth the subscription cost to you. If it is, great! We will happily welcome you into the community. If it's not, then walk away. 


    Another worthless comment . I NEVER said I did not want to pay for the game. If I say I think its going to rain today it doesnt mean I want it to rain.


    Also I didnt ignore the answers, I replied to some that didnt make sense. Everything else I didnt reply to means I kind of agreed with or didnt have anything else to add. If the devs deliver a quality game I will gladly pay a sub. But right now I would bet money that the game will take a different route some time after launch. Tell me im wrong I dont care, its what I think.


    Im starting to see a pattern here, the more money people spend on their pledge the more likely they are to call you a troll for not agreeing with them.

  9. No you learn to read. He is not calling you a hater. He said "Just as you call me fanboy, I can call you hater. Same principle, same road. But it won't get us anywhere..."


    I believe he means calling you a hater would not get use nowhere so why do it.


    Dito. We where just explaining why it's not going to be f2p.

    Also not saying he is calling me a hater, but that he cant. While I can call him a fanboy because he attacks anyone that doesnt praise the game as much as him. Just look at the start of the thread, someone complain about the annual cost of the game and he shows him the door. Then get all worked up because I say the game might not end up exactly the way devs planned it.


    Maybe YOU were trying to explain something but most of the other replies were senseless ramblings.

  10. Once again transforming what I said to point the finger and attack. I said the F2P model COULD happen and never said it SHOULD happen. Of course Id rather pay for a sub to keep the game alive, unless that business model kills the game. ffs english is not even my main language and here I am trying to explain the difference between could and should to some ignorant ****


    Of course I cited the most successful moba, why would I try to prove my point by comparing to an unsuccessful one?


    ''There has not been a single successful sandbox MMO to date''   Please take a minute to wipe what you pull out of your *** to make it readable. Seriously losing faith in this community

  11. @ NQ Yeah ive tried to stay calm but its like arguing with childs. They transform what I say and assume things then point the finger like I said something bad about the game. I say it might end up with a F2P model and these kids grab their pitch forks like I said this game would end up being garbage pay 2 win korean crap mmo. Like this guy who spent 500$ on a pledge and feel that hes entitled to wear the white knight armor and attack anyone who is skeptical about the outcome of the game. That guy is borderline trolling, he quoted something I said then asked a question which was answered by the text he quoted.

  12. Your informations are wrong, you don't understand key concepts regarding how the game will work, what's are the differences between a moba and DU, what sandbox mean and so on. I answered to you a few points on the other thread, so I'm not going to do it again here, but I highly suggest you to go read that. 


    Gee wiz I guess you win the internet for today bro

  13. ''My point is: learn some basic writing skills....writing stuff like: "selling ships" CLEARLY means you want to buy SHIPS. And NOT some senseless, stupid skin. You COULD write that there to avoid misunderstandings''


    Thats your assumptions that ships provide an advantage. You would be surprised how much people are willing to pay for 'some senseless, stupid skins' . Yeah maybe I could write it a 4th time just to see you fail to undertsand again


    @Shynras Are you sure the base game will be free? Never seen such a thing before. Also money is money, as long as its flowing in their bank accounts the devs wont care if its loyal or not.

  14. @Bleep_Bloop has been trolling on this topic pretty hard lately.


    This is just an example of one non-supporter who just wants DU but doesn't want to pay for it. Instead, the Devs should totally waste their time designing content that the paying players MUST have so that freebies don't have to put down a bit of money each month. Two nice coffees is the same price as the monthly fee for DU.


    A dinner at Red Robin is the same price as the monthly fee. like get over it people lol! its a hobby, hobbies cost money.


    Just disregard and move on ;)


    So much assumptions all over the place. Never said I didnt want to pay for it, just that there is a good chance the devs will follow that route. Honestly fanboys like you are going to kill this game, calling me a troll because I question the outcome of the game and not 100% agreeing with you.


    Just look at Dota 2, genre aside, its a living proof that F2P model does work. They are making billions from cosmetics and theres no P2W at all.


    As for the WoW model ill say it again : it works because people are literally addicted to it. The company works with numbers, and these numbers show that for this very specific game P2P is more profitable due to its background and popularity.


    I think we can expect a model similar to runescape or TES online: Base game for a price + an optional sub for extra content, like owning a piece of land, etc...


    @Lethys yeah entropia is somehow p2w but as far as i know everything can be aquired with regular currency. Its still a sand-box game and not a competitive combat game so 'winning' lose most of its meaning there.


    Subscriptions still work, and I imagine that's why most of us are here ^^


    Tired of F2P junkware.


    They work for a limited time, that is as long as the game is new and shiny and the devs are able to push out decent amounts of content (with WoW being the exception)


    I am also tired of F2P junkware, but F2P doesnt make a game bad, its the dedication of the devs that will determine the outcome.

  16. Since I guess where just throwing insults around. Perhaps you should just quit the forums if you can't understand that p2w dose not mean winning the entire game.


    For example lets say we have two players Cybrex1,  and Cybrex2. They are identical other then the names.


    Actually there is one difference Cybrex2 paid to have his health increased.


    If Cybrex1 and Cybrex2 got into a fight who do you think would win? Cybrex2 of course, but that's not very fair to Cybrex1.


    My point is Cybrex1 might quit the game because he can not win any fights without paying for perks.


    For example lets say you actually read the fucking post before replying. I will repeat FOR THE THIRD TIME : Cosmetics, ships, houses, nothing close to pay2win. And of course when I say ships, i also mean cosmetics, and not OP turrets or defensive diamond platings.


    My point is learn some basic reading comprehension.

  17. You should improve your checking skills - Eve is only f2p with alpha clone and serious limitations (https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/213020969-Alpha-and-Omega-Clone)


    Instead, I would love to hear your examples of single shard, persistent, sandbox games with fully editable content which are F2P


    Well I did check EVE but they tried to make me register an account before giving up any info so I stopped there.


    The closest thing I could compare it to would be entropia universe. 


    Honestly I googled 'single shard mmo' and 90% of the first page is about DU, so im assuming theres no such thing as a successful single shard mmo out there.

  18. @Bleep_bloop Don't like it/don't agree with the games style or they way they're running something? Don't play it, simple. The devs have already discussed between themselves and released the reasons for picking the p2p model and aren't going to change it. Whether it works or not, only time will tell. There have been successful and unsuccessful games of all models. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. We'll have to live with that if it happens. 


    Basically youre saying if the ship starts sinking they are gonna let it sink until they go bankrupt. Wow nice faith in the devs you got there.

  19. Nice post croomar, you definitely nailed it there.




    Selling ships IS a P2W mechanic - so perhaps you should rethink your arguments. And watch your language ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Like I said theres no such thing as winning in a sand-box game. Perhaps you should just quit the forums if you cant properly read such a short post before replying.



    @Croomar Nice post, but I wouldnt say that WoW playerbase is loyal, they are just straight up addicted and cant quit thats why its working. As for EVE, it went F2P.

    I get that DU requires a loyal playerbase, but for that the game first need to live up to its hype. If they dont charge a high enough price for the base game and dont get as much success as they expected at launch, then the subs alone wont run this game for long.


    I still think that a loyal playerbase would spend more on average with a F2P model than a P2P one. I mean, some people here already gave the devs 500$ upfront, why wouldnt they keep spending after release?


    F2P is more about not losing players than attracting new ones. Those players who love the game but think the sub is a tiny bit too much (call them cheap or w/e) who might spend.


    Im not a fan of the way P2P forces devs to push out updates, which are at risk of being rushed and lacking. Id rather let them all the time they need to release well thought out content updates when THEY feel its worth releasing.


    Ultimately if im wrong and DU does go for a P2P model, they better hold on to it. I would be pretty pissed if I pledged high enough to recieve game time currency, just to see it converted in some premium store currency.

  20. Wrong, many games are emerging with a p2p model... because it DOES work.  F2P is no longer working.



    Camelot Unchained

    Chronicles of Elyria

    Ashes of Creation

    Dual Universe


    I'm sure there are plenty of others.


    Lmfao, these games arent even released how the hell can they prove P2P works. Idk if you guys even know what youre talking about asking for citations, its more like a trend fading. Take classical music genre for example, can you give me a citation saying its dead? No, you can just witness the fact that its not the trendy genre anymore.


    I thought EVE still had p2p and I just checked, surprise, its f2p now. Also The Elder Scrolls online became b2p not too long ago.


    Try to link me a recent, successful game that had a p2p model for at least 1 year. Sure P2P will always work well at game launch when its new and shiny and people are ready to pay whatever is needed just to try it, but then the playerbase just shrinks until the game turns F2P.


    F2P no longer working? You just pulled that out of your ass trying to prove some sort of point because you felt like I attacked your beloved game, which I didnt. Just look at Dota 2 and tell me F2P isnt working... inb4 the hurr durr dota isnt a mmo.


    Edit: It seems that the people who got the most butthurt over my post were also those with the more expensive pledges $$. Coincidence?

  21. Ah please do tell me, as I obviously have no clue.

    That road you described is the cancer of generic Korean mmos with p2w mechanics.


    Please elaborate on how they will be able to keep the single shard servers with a completely new server tech alive with a persistent universe with a b2p model. As you are obviously a cunning businessman (unlike me) it should be no problem for you


    Dude are you fucking retarded the text that YOU quoted answers what you are asking in your reply. I talked about selling cosmetics/ships/houses, nothing close to pay 2 win. Also like somebody else said in another thread : this is a sand-box game, theres no such thing as winning. Winning is in your head if you manage to reach your personnal in-game goals.


    Ill reformulate since you seem mentally challenged:


    Step 1 : Sell the game at a reasonable price (AAA title price) that will provide a huge initial income for the devs to work from


    Step 2 : Set up a special currency shop and sell cosmetics, excluding pay2win items to not alienate the customers


    Step 3: Make more money than you would with a p2p models since its proved that players spend more on average in f2p/b2p games than they would if they had to pay a sub, and you also have a larger player base = more potential income, since subs turn away many players.


    Step 4 : Keep the game alive and stay in business

  22. You do reallse that France is not Sourh Korea, right? NCSoft and NEXON publsshed games pretty much turn the MMO genre into a junkyeard. Go play your Trash MMOs and leave DU for hose who actually want a good game instead of Pay-2-Win.

    So much ramblings I have no idea what this guy is trying to say


    Yeah. Right. Whatever you say man. Please do tell me how they pay for updates, staff, technology, servers, content for this massive, persistent, single shard mmo. I'm curious how your business plan looks like


    You dont have a clue how business is done these days. The pay 2 play model is getting replaced by the more profitable free 2 play one (or in this case buy 2 play). There are many reasons to that and I wont describe it all here. But it would just mean that the devs would set up a special currency shop and sell fancy stuff, from cosmetics to houses, ships , etc...


    Im saying game developpement costs money and they will need as much as they can get to keep this massive game alive. 

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