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Posts posted by Brixxz

  1. Thanks all for the suggestions and such.  Games like these seem like forever often times before release.  That said it will be here before you know it!  Have any of you played ED?  I played it back in 14 and stopped rather quickly but wasn't sure if anyone around here plays or could give me the state of how its playing at the moment.  Trying to scratch the ship flying itch at the moment! :)

  2. What do ya'll do to pass the time while you wait for something of this magnitude?  Do you play other games?  Do you design or find your creative outlet doing something else?  I oftentimes find it hard to play too many games at once....  How often do you find they give us updates in regards to DU?

  3. I love the idea of no defined endgame.  I think that has the best potential to be amazing given the scope of this game for sure.  I remember trying to unlock my skills in SWG and that amazing ride to unlock the Jedi..  Talk about a real grind, but that was appealing to me and still is.  I am glad to be here and look forward to eating copious amounts of popcorn and watching the fireworks over the many upcoming months.  As a math and physics teacher I like to think I can shoot on the fly, so maybe theres a chance for me!! 




    Thanks for the warm welcome, I look forward to being active and getting to know you all!

  4. So after cutting my teeth way back in the day on Star Wars Galaxies, I have yearned and searched for a game that would appeal to me and give me the opportunity to find that satisfaction yet again.  I have tried more games than I care to name each with their appeal yet failing to deliver the goods of what makes a good MMO in my mind.  Am I picky? Absolutely.... But I continue to search... hoping to find that game.. that one single opportunity to scratch that itch and provide me the home that I deserve.  Will this be that home?  I sure hope so.  Everything I have read makes me want to believe... "I do want to believe!"


    I have managed and run hard core raiding guilds across various MMO's over the years.  Though time and family have forced me into retirement from such deep long hour commitments.  That said I hope to find an active home that supports my play style where I can contribute and if time permits work my way back through the community.  


    I am currently not sure what my endgame will be... there is plenty of time I believe to evaluate the Corps and find my best suitor....  Where ever it is I look forward to finding a home and working with all of you in some fashion...



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